My First 4 Months on Medium — Earnings & Stats

You will be surprised after seeing my Earnings…

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink


Image: Google Images

Alright, so I started writing on Medium back in October 2023.

I had been familiar with the platform for awhile but like, you know, I never really thought about contributing there myself.

Because I was already managing a bunch of other blogs and websites.

But then in October I finally decided, hmm, maybe I should give Medium a try.

So I started experimenting with different types of content to see what kinds of things readers on Medium seem to like.

It took some trial and error but eventually I realized that storytelling formats tend to do well, especially if you have good headlines and introductions to draw people in.

I also learned that breaking things into short paragraphs helps keep people’s attention.

So anyways, I’m still figuring things out but wanted to share some honest stats and insights about what I’ve learned so far about capturing readers on Medium.

I posted almost 200 stories in this 4 months & got almost 1.8K Followers…(don't surprise i already told that i wrote for 10+ websites also)

