Natalie’s Poem…

~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

A short story based on the writing prompt about a person (literally) bumping into someone else.

There she was one fine morning when the air was crisp, looking at her eyes in the mirror while she did her hair. She looked into the mirror and noticed what a deep baby blue they were.

She noticed her full cheeks, that they were a story of happiness and how they looked even more amazing when she applied some blush. She used a little eyeliner and tied her hair neatly so she looked tidy.

To finish off the look she put on a dark coloured lipstick and it went well with her jeans and beautiful beige cardigan. Natalie Hermosa looked in the mirror again one final time, before she strode out the door of her parent’s lovely home.

She followed the well-lit sidewalk while sticking to her corner and decided to go meet a friend who lived close by. Natalie was walking with a pep in her step letting her heeled shoes click noisily against the pavement.

Natalie kept walking until she found a coffee shop that sold every kind of baked treat you could dream of. She looked at the coffee and the bagels that looked rather inviting. She then smiled at the owner of the shop while taking her parcel with her. She had ordered coffee and bagels.

Natalie H. was someone who thought of herself as spiritual at least sometimes. These days she took the trouble to re-think every decision she ever made if it did not seem smart or ‘wise’ as the spiritual folks would put it.

If something did not feel right to her, she simply did not go through with it. Natalie was the type who loved taking chances in life and meeting new people. At the same time, she felt she was becoming more discerning about what she allowed to influence her mind, and she was pretty determined about it.

The coffee she had ordered had an unusually pleasant aroma and it seemed to give people like her larger-than-life inspiration to be themselves. She liked the coffee and she sat down with it at a table opposite Annabelle Louise who was in another cafe that they both loved visiting.

While Natalie was sitting down with her coffee next to her friend, she decided to write some poetry because she honestly loved doing it. Annabelle on the other hand, was busy talking on the phone. Natalie thought about sharing her poem with Annabelle so she decided to keep it as relatable as she possibly could.

Annabelle was busy talking to an old school friend who always spoke about things that made her laugh. She was a bit miffed, however, that this long-distance friend hardly ever stuck to the point of the conversation.

Natalie continued to write her relatable poem for Annabelle, hoping that she would like it. Natalie felt that the coffee on the table next to her was unusually sweet, perhaps it had to do with her pleasant mood. Both the women were a pretty picture with coffee and classical music that played in the background.

Annabelle was peeping precariously into Natalie’s notebook, trying to get the wisdom behind the words she was trying to pen down. Annabelle was being a tad impatient and the bagel fell with a splat.

Both Annabella and Natalie looked at each other. They both looked at the creamy mess on the floor. Annabelle knew someone or the other would clean up the custard-filled mess. She managed to take a peek at Natalie’s writing and read it out loud -

“All the world’s a stage,

And the men are merely players,

If not for the man in the sky,

there would be no answer to the broken generation’s ‘why’

And if we are all to play our part,

sounds like making good decisions is a good place to start”

Annabelle smiled sheepishly as some rather good-looking staff member took care of the custard-filled mess. She thought about the deep significance of Natalie’s beautiful poetry and how she managed to write so well.

Both women agreed that in today’s world as well, God was still working, even though mysteriously. Natalie went on to post this poem on her social media, and everyone loved it.

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Have a Great Day!



~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink

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