Now You Can Create Tables on Medium…?

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2024

I Was Scrolling Through Some of Medium Feeds and You Know What I Found…

So, like, I was just scrolling through my Medium feed the other day, you know, checking out what’s new and all that. 😎

And then, ah, I stumbled upon something that caught my eye — a table! 🤯

At first, I thought it was an image but….

It’s a Table on Medium, Does Medium Allow It or Is It Some Kind of Bug?

At first, I was like, “Hmm, hold up. 🤔 Is this even allowed on Medium?” ’Cause, you know, I’ve been a writer and reader on this platform for a while now, and I’ve never seen a table before. Like, ever.

I Haven’t Seen This Type of Table on Medium Yet, but How Is This Person Making It…

So, I clicked on the article, and sure enough, there it was — a legit table, clear as day. 😮

I was thinking, “Alright, how in the world did this person pull this off?” I mean, it’s not like tables are a standard feature on Medium, right?

Is It a New Update from Medium or Something Hack or Bug?

My mind was racing with questions. “Is this some kind of new update from Medium? Or, like, a hack or a bug or something?” 🤔

I had to know, ’cause this was blowing my mind. 🤯

I Am Curious to Know, and If Anyone Is Here Who Can Tell Me How It Can Be Possible, Please Tell Me This.

So, here I am, pouring my heart out to you, dear reader. 😄

If anyone out there knows the secret behind this mystical table on Medium, please, enlighten me! I’m dying to know how it’s possible.

Is it a new feature? A glitch? Some kind of coding wizardry? Lay it on me, ’cause this curious cat needs to know! 🐱

