Perks You Will Get After Being a Minimalist Designer as a Starter

This is easier than you might think!

Quill and Ink
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


Saying a lot without showing less is the motto of minimalist designs. This motto itself says a lot!

You might think that only doing complex designs will help you stand out the crowd. Well, this idea is completely wrong. From beginners to advanced, if we look at most artists, we will see that they have made minimalists designs in one way or the other. We can start by seeing this design made by @oj3a.psd on Instagram:

“Simple Yet Elegant” || Design by @oj3a.psd

Even if oj3a.psd is not a minimalist designer, this one really shows the minimalism vibe in one way or the other. The design consists of two things:

  • chairs
  • texts

And that’s it!

So, without talking further, let’s point out the top 3 perks of being a minimalist designer, especially, if you are a starter!

1. The Designs Are Easy To Do

From Modern designs to Islamic Medieval designs, we can always see some complications that can even start the imposter syndrome within us:

A modern complex graphic design, which looks simple but is not beginner friendly || Photo from here || (Might include another external link)

This is probably one of the best examples to show that complex designs might look simple enough to do and when you start doing it, you start to feel the heat.

In one sentence, this is not the way to go for beginners. Beginners need something simpler:

Minimal old book cover design || Buy the book from here

The above design is yet simpler and easy to do, and yes, that’s the whole point!

To learn about designs, I am thinking of reading a book. Click here to buy it and join the “goodread” with me!

2. They Are Attractive Enough to Put Them in a Portfolio

Have a look at this:

A thumbnail I made by copying the thumbnail of this video to practice || See the whole process by clicking here

A thumbnail like this has been put on a video by a Youtuber who has more than 800k subs on Youtube. Most of his other thumbnails are also easy to do!

I am saying this because a Youtuber won’t use a thumbnail if it was bad, right? Surely, minimalist thumbnails are not bad as they are already being used by many.

So, just show your minimal design to others, and find out if it’s good or not. If it’s good enough, never hesitate to put it in your portfolio!

3. These take way less time than doing other designs

Probably you are going on a vacation and you need to upload another one good design in your portfolio.

Or things are worse: you saw a job you like the most but you can’t still apply because you are still in a learning phase with no portfolio.

I got you!

See all these designs below?

Simple designs made by me that took less than an hour || Buy the Ebook by clicking here

All the above designs took way less time than you might think if you are a beginner. Some even takes less than 15 minutes!

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, we can say that, even if you are an advanced graphics designer reading this, you should definitely try out doing some minimalist designs because:

  • They are easy to do
  • They can look attractive enough to put them in your portfolio
  • They are less time consuming

And of course, finally, they can give you the joy faster!

Photo from here

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Quill and Ink

That one dopamine I release after writing for things I like, especially tech, is some insane hormonal activity right there-