Spring Fever!!

I have never been to the Caribbean on Spring Break.

L. Jean Davis
Quill and Ink


men playing games on the beach
Photo by Paz Arando on Unsplash

I call it spring fever! Every time this year, when it starts getting warm and the flowers are budding, I get this enormous energy to want to go somewhere.

Here in Georgia, you have March through April and Memorial Day at the end of May for Holidays. I would love to go somewhere I have never been, so let’s investigate.

I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica, where many Americans have retired. Costa Rica has rainforests where we can see lots of wildlife, which is what I love. It has a volcano, which means it is rich in coffee beans. That is my number one seller, and I already knew about their coffee. I love coffee shops and specialty coffees.

Since I am disabled, if I decide on a land package, I will want a place in the rainforest. I want to see the animals so I can take pictures and write. I want to drink the best coffee ever, eat the best food, and relax. If I am lucky, maybe I can take a jeep ride down to a hot springs. I did not see anything about it, but I bet there is a place I can rent one. I did in Mexico. That would be perfect.

What is there to do in Costa Rica?

You can raft down the Pacuare River. I suggest doing that with a tour guide to avoid getting hurt or worse. Seeing the rainforest that…



L. Jean Davis
Quill and Ink

Life can be messy, and I write about it. I started at 60 years old. Travel, history, and life are my genres. https://5grandkids1great.substack.com