Testing and Learning: My Medium Writing Adventures

10 Days Challenge- Day 7, Post 1

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

let me tell you, the journey of being a writer on Medium has been quite the rollercoaster! 🎢

When I first started out, I was just a guy trying to blend my creative passions with a bit of business know-how. 🤓

I wanted to take a lean startup kind of approach, you know?

Generate ideas rapidly, test them out, fail fast and all that.

And it was going pretty well at first!

I wrote this one piece that ended up being a nice little hit, lots of discussion happening and everything.

But then — oh boy — it got so popular Medium actually banned me temporarily! 😱

I know right? Like I didn’t see that coming at all.

Alright, so after I got over the initial shock I realized there were some good lessons to be learned here.

I'm not enrolled in MPP and still doing experiences for all…

that is why I am doing this experiment..

About balancing creativity and business acumen. Taking feedback to improve. Understanding my audience better. That kind of thing.

Hmm..let me give you an example. I wrote this piece exploring the concept of immortality.

Pretty out there idea huh? 💀

Lots to unpack around human nature and ethics and whatnot.

But the interesting thing was, that my most popular piece was something I just whipped up in no time during an existential crisis!

So it taught me the value of failing fast and putting myself out there.

You know, I’m still figuring things out as I go on this Medium journey.

But I like to think I’m getting better at listening to feedback, iterating quickly, embracing failure as a chance to grow. :)

Those are the lessons that will hopefully fuel my future success here!

So that’s a little glimpse into my adventures as a Medium writer so far!

Stick around, I’m sure there’ll be more twists and turns to come haha. 🎢

Thanks for reading!

