The Stranger On The Island…

~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2024


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

A short story based on the Reedsy writing prompt entitled ‘Write a story that contains the words I wish we could stay here forever…”

There she was sitting on her bed, with her phone. She was scrolling away endlessly.

She wondered about the world at large. She felt that people who used social media apps on their phones were indeed up-to-date. They were smart when it came to doing things like modern folks who usually made good choices.

People like that did things that were in line with trends. She was busy looking at a friend’s blog on Tumblr. She also had her blog on which she had written her thoughts about life.

She prided herself on her blog and its content. She interacted with her followers and posted relatable things on her blog about her life. She suddenly fell asleep while still on her bed and dreamed about a mysterious island.

This island was indeed gorgeous and mysterious. It was a sight to behold.

She found herself on the shore of the beautiful island walking all alone on its white sands. There she was looking for habitation while it was a scorching 12 o’clock in the afternoon.

There were lots of tropical birds on the branches of the trees. She decided to make herself feel at home on a nice-looking rock under the tree. The tree happened to be very tall on this secluded remote island paradise.

She happened to have her duffel bag which contained an extra change of clothes, some bubble gum, her notebook and pen, and her sunglasses down on the large rock that had enough room for her to make notes on her journal.

She loved bullet journaling as It helped her prioritize and think clearly. She also loved watching the exotic birds. Since there were so many birds on this beautiful Island she wondered if she was dreaming.

She was starting to feel a little bored of making notes on the bird species on the island even though she considered herself to be a very patient person otherwise. She was so busy with her note-making that she hardly knew another human being just a few kilometres from the place where she was sitting under the shady tree.

He was indeed very tall and had brown-blonde hair and she was busy writing. When she looked up she noticed the silhouette of the tall human being coming working towards her. She looked up and saw that upon further observation the tall man was rather handsome. He had brown eyes and a warm smile. He said his name was Desmond.

“Hello” she said with a hint of shyness in her voice, to the tall man and he too sat down on the big rock next to her which was like a big sofa almost.

The very sweet smiling Desmond was very happy and asked her if she was lost. She answered that she did not know how she got onto the island.

Desmond was visibly relieved when he understood that Ana was the only one on the island other than the pretty birds. To Desmond, she was also a genuine trustworthy person who spoke well, possessed an iPhone and was his only hope for getting away from the island.

“Perhaps you were born for a time such as this,” he told her with a smile that accentuated his dimples, and his handsome eyes sparkled in the light.

Anna looked at Desmond wondering what those remarkable words meant. They seemed like something iconic like they were from a movie. Desmond looked into her eyes and told her that those were indeed very special words that came from the biblical story of a Jewish queen called Esther.

Desmond was busy sitting down under the shade of the looming tree in the middle of nowhere with her. He asked her if back where she came from she was happy with her life.

She looked into his big brown eyes and said that where she came from life was slavery to the system of things. It was like effort felt purposeless. The culture was based on mindless chasing after the wind literally.

She did not like school but she did it to keep her most cherished close friends happy. She told Desmond everything about herself. He was starting to relate to her and become acquainted with the way she was.

She admitted that previously she liked being a busybody who never cared for anyone. She found solace in her writing because it gave her a reason to exist and something interesting to do with her spare hours.

Desmond asked her again if she ever wanted to go back to where she came from. She looked at him she said, “Only if you promise to come…”

Desmond looked at her and told her that it was her decision. He was the sort of kindly stranger who had a habit of saying magically philosophical things like this all the time. These things sometimes came true like an unfulfilled prophecy because he was after all Desmond.

Ana looked around her while she was sitting on the rock under the big tree. She felt very warm next to Desmond while sitting there. The both of them were alone together on that same Mysterious Island.

She looked into his eyes and asked him -” Has there never been anyone interesting in your life? Anyone who inspired you and told you nice things?” she said batting her eyelids.

“Sorry, my dear but I have always been searching for that beautiful someone to make my life less lonely.”

Then she did something totally unlike her and kissed him on the cheek because she wanted to. She then asked him why “he wanted to leave the island which was such a beautiful place, when he had been living there all his life.”

Desmond looked into Anna’s blue eyes and kissed her on the mouth. Anna and Desmond did more than just kiss that lucky day they also got close really long on the rock. They were in each other’s arms when he said “I wish we could stay forever…”

Anna suddenly woke up from her strange dream thinking about Desmond’s kiss. She noticed a picture of Desmond from the series Lost that she had gotten from the internet on her phone.

She then posted something relatable on Tumblr about how God worked rather mysteriously in people’s lives. People from all walks of life tried to find meaning, purpose and a sense of identity in their walks of Life.

She did not know what her dream meant or how they related to her life but there was indeed a connection. She knew that God was trying to tell her something through her experiences.

She made a new blog post on Tumblr that “ we are all meant to do our best in this world which is passing -and we are passing through -it is all temporary but the truth remains that we only live once and we have a unique purpose to fulfil.”

“That is what we were called to do “ she added. She was so happy with her blog post on social media and she knew it could be a 100% hit. She fell asleep next to her phone. For Anna life was a beautiful dream that was waiting to happen…



~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink

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