New Writers Welcome!- Quill and Ink

Best place to write about anything…

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Logo for Quill and Ink

In my last post, I made a desire to create a publication for all, after I got so many positive responses I decided to create a Publication.

Alright, So I am Manish, and welcome you all here.

I want to give a warm welcome here to the Quill and Ink community — which is basically this thriving space where writers at all different levels can come together and, you know, cultivate their craft.

I think is a Good Name for a Publication..😂😂

For me, it’s been this super supportive environment that like really encourages you to have creative freedom and grow on a personal level.

Application Process and Requirements

Alright, so if you wanna become an official writer for us over here in the Quill and Ink community, there’s a simple application process you gotta complete and some requirements you should know about.

  • First, you gotta make sure to follow this publication here on Medium — just click that follow button.
  • After that, leave a comment below saying you’re interested in becoming a writer for us(or you can mail us at I check pretty frequently, so I’ll add you to the team within 12–24 hours!
  • We welcome writers at all levels — total beginners too! And it’s flexible — you can leave anytime.
  • Clap and highlight any line of this story.
  • When submitting stories:(Aim to keep them under 600 words)
  • Just submit draft versions at first so I can help edit
  • No AI-generated content allowed — this is about developing real writing skills!
  • For now, it’ll just be me, Manish Dangi👻, overlooking the editing. So I’m the guy you can reach out to!

Topics Accepted and Guidelines

We accept all sorts of topics for people to write about here in the Quill and Ink.

It’s meant to give you creative freedom, hmm…. and space to explore subjects you feel passionate about — whether that’s literature, technology, personal development, whatever!

You can write into the stuff that really gets your creative juices flowing and that you think will resonate with readers.

So yeah, pick your niche and run with it!

But, just one ground rule is no offensive content.

We’re aiming to maintain a positive, welcoming kinda space here.

So if a story doesn’t align with that mission, we may need to remove or reject it, you know? It’s just about keeping the quality high and the community inclusive.

Benefits of Joining

When you become part of the Quill and Ink crew, there’s awesome benefits that can totally transform your writing journey. Let me break ’em down:

  1. Showcase Your Stuff By publishing here, you get your work in front of a wider audience, gain more exposure. And that can lead to more visibility in the writing world, people recognizing your talents, and even potential opportunities to publish elsewhere or collaborate.
  2. Level Up Your Skills Being part of this community helps you improve as a writer. Through feedback from me as the editor, and also connecting with fellow writers, you can refine your style and techniques. Maybe try new genres you’ve never explored before. It leads to growth!
  3. Find Your People The Quill and Ink links you up with other writers who just get it. Through networking and discussions here, you can establish meaningful connections, get support, and not feel alone on the writing journey! It’s a warm, tight-knit community.

In Closing…

To wrap it all up, I truly believe the Quill and Ink offers a nurturing space for writers to flourish — no matter where you’re at in your development.

With the simple application, freedom to pick your topics, and helpful editing guidance from yours truly, we’ve got all you need to grow and put your best writing out into the world.

So if you wanna bloom in your writing journey, hmm, then join the Quill and Ink Community!

Let’s cultivate this community and our craft — together.

Comment down below that you want be a part of this publicaiton.

