Case Study: How This Mayoral Campaign Saved Time and Raised More Money with & Campaign Deputy

Jose Cornejo
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2024

For local political campaigns operating on smaller budgets, hiring expensive digital marketing firms is often out of reach. But innovative campaign technology and responsible AI are giving campaigns access to sophisticated fundraising and outreach capabilities typically reserved for deep-pocketed campaigns.

This was the case for Patti Minter, a former state representative running for mayor of Bowling Green, Kentucky. With a small volunteer team and limited funds, spending thousands per month on a digital agency was not feasible. Yet Minter’s campaign still needed to engage supporters through personalized outreach and drive fundraising to remain competitive.

Patti Minter on the trail

That’s where came in. The campaign integrated Quiller’s artificial intelligence to automate creating fundraising emails in Minter’s authentic voice and tone. By training the AI on her past emails and speeches, it could craft new messages that felt authentically hers, with minimal human involvement.

Combining Quiller’s AI writing capabilities with the campaign CRM Campaign Deputy, the team could rapidly generate emails, optimize deployment timing, track engagement analytics, and efficiently manage donor outreach — all without blowing their budget on excessive vendor fees.

The results were impressive:

  • Quiller’s AI-generated emails consistently achieved around 40% open rates, on par with their internal benchmarks.
  • More importantly, the campaign boosted their fundraising efficiency, raising $22.22 per minute spent on the program, up from $8.33.

The Minter campaign’s experience shows how responsible AI and innovative technology can help campaigns at any level overcome constraints and punch above their weight. By automating resource-intensive tasks like email creation, Minter’s team could pursue an aggressive fundraising strategy while redirecting precious volunteer hours towards making substantive voter connections — amplifying the impact of every volunteer hour and dollar spent.

Ready to try out the power of yourself? Sign up for a demo or get started today.

