Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2023


Welcome to Quiller! We are so happy to have you.

This workspace is custom to you — meaning that your content is uniquely crafted around the style and values of your candidate or organization.

As you gear up to create your first drafts, we have compiled some tips to help you save time and get the most out of your Quiller experience.

Top tips to train Quiller for your team:

✏️ Content Starts with Customized Inputs

When building out your workspace, it is very important to input detailed information such as a bio, mission statement, writing samples, and key talking points. Because Quiller uses this information to customize your email drafts, it’s most accurate when you train your workspace with specific and detailed inputs.

Pro tip: Don’t reinvent the wheel — use website copy, press releases, and content from social media posts to train Quiller on your unique voice and style.

📋 Use Specific Prompts

When developing prompts for your emails, pretend you are asking a friend to help with a first draft. What would you tell them to write about? Be sure to include specific details, context, tone preferences, and key talking points. Quiller won’t be able to know exactly what you want, so it’s best to tell it directly.

Pro tip: When the tool needs to guess, it is more likely to make a mistake (just like us!). For example, use “Captain James Tiberius Kirk” vs “Captain Kirk” (less to guess = best accuracy).

Pro tip: You can also experiment with pasting in excerpts of news articles to help provide extra content.

📝 Build on a First Draft

Quiller was not built to replace humans. Our job is to save you time by generating a draft that is about 70% done. This allows you to focus on editing and finalizing instead of starting from scratch!

Pro Tip: Try updating tones and prompts if the outcome isn’t matching your creative vision. The more you play around with, the more you’ll find the sweet spot.

📃📃📃 Generate Multiple Drafts

Harness the power of AI by creating multiple drafts in seconds. Generate 2–5 variations of the same email or SMS to see a good selection of starting drafts to get inspiration from. Select your top choice, then edit, proofread, finalize, and add in any nuanced information.

Pro tip: If you are generating multiple copies, any edits you make to drafts before regenerating will be taken into account for future results and accuracy.

Pro Tip: Approach Quiller’s content like solid first drafts sent to you for review. It won’t be 100% done, but it can be about 70% of the way there!

🤓 Proofread:

AI will never be perfect. Human review is necessary for every single draft. Your copy edits will always provide the nuance and finishing touches that make each email unique and special.

Pro tip: Always double check proper nouns and dates.

🗣️ Feedback is Critical

It’s important to give Quiller feedback on copy that’s nearly ready to go vs. copy that might have missed the mark. You can rate each draft on a scale of 1–5 stars. The tool learns from each rating and helps you get the highest quality content even sooner.

Pro Tip: We highly encourage additional feedback on Quiller drafts and the tool overall. Unlike big models like ChatGPT, we can address smaller issues directly. Please use the Send Feedback button or reach out to our team at and we’ll get to work on any issues or ideas you might have.

🛝 Play Around

Have fun with the tool! This technology is still new and we are all continuously learning and refining the product. AI will never be perfect, so it’s great to approach this new technology with an experimental mindset. Embrace the process and make it work for you and your team!

Here are some additional tips shared by fellow Quiller users:

  • Generating multiple versions of email drafts takes seconds and allows you to pick from more options before finalizing your favorite.
  • Incorporating specific details in your prompts will give you the best and most tailored results.
  • Use news clips or quotes when drafting about breaking news or a more timely topic.
  • Play around with tones and urgency if you aren’t getting the outcome you want.
  • Make your edits in Quiller so it can incorporate your changes when you generate another draft.
  • Use strong verbs and complete phrases.
  • Use full names, dates, and titles when relevant.
  • Save your favorite prompts and recycle them.
  • Remember, AI tools will never be perfect. Always proofread!

