Inverse Finance hacked again for $1.2M⚠️

QuillAudits - Web3 Security 🛡️
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2022

Events Under the Spotlight 🔎

Inverse Finance exploited for $1.2M

  • Inverse Finance’s Frontier money market was subject to an oracle price manipulation incident.
  • It resulted in a net loss of $5.83 million in $DOLA, with the attacker earning a total of $1.2 million.
  • The attack was possible due to the protocol using external Curve pool balances to calculate the value of their liquidity provider tokens.
  • The attack was performed by a front-running bot that front-runs the original hack.
  • Initial funds to perform the attack were withdrawn from Tornado Cash.

A vulnerability was found in OpenSea’s smart contract

  • OpenSea disclosed a vulnerability in their smart contract, which made it possible in some instances for sellers to accept offers on Shared Storefront items and receive payment without owning the NFT.

A Bug detected in Solidity

Fswap was hacked for 1,751.6293 BNB

  • Fswap was attacked for 1,751.6293 BNB or $390,085.79.
  • The attack occurred due to an error in the fee-charging mechanism of the protocol.

To the Numerophiles out there 🔢

  • OpenSea announces new security features to protect users from NFT scams.


Word on the Block📦


Versus Series🛡️

Bitcoin VS Stablecoin

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