KaoyaSwap Logic Exploit Analysis | QuillAudits

QuillAudits - Web3 Security 🛡️
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2022


On the 24th of August, 2022 Kaoya Swap (a decentralized transaction protocol deployed on the BSC chain) was attacked. The main cause of the attack was bad logic in the swap function of the contract. The amount stolen was around 37,294 BUSD and 271.2 wBNB, which amounts to approx $118,000.

Introduction to Kaoya Swap:

KaoyaSwap is a BSC Chain deployed decentralized transaction protocol built upon AMM and exchange pools. It has an embedded investment platform that aims to increase the income of liquidity providers. It is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain. KaoyaSwap utilizes funds in the platform’s liquidity pool to execute automatic trading strategies.

Vulnerability Analysis & Impact:

The Vulnerability was present in the swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens function of the contract. As the function was used to swap Fee-On-Transfers-Tokens, So, before understanding the bug, let's understand what Fee-On-Transfer-Tokens are:


Fee-On-Transfer-Tokens are slightly different from ERC20 tokens. These are ERC20 tokens that charge a fee for every transfer()or transferFrom(). These tokens implement the typical ERC20 interface. However, when calling the transfer and transferFrom methods, the actual amount the receiver will get will be smaller than the sent amount.

Further details can be found here.

Exploit Txn hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc8db3b620656408a5004844703aa92d895eb3527da057153f0b09f0b58208d74

Vulnerable code:

The above code archive can be found here.

Analyzing Vulnerable Code:

The swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens function calculates the balance difference of the last pair before and after the swap as the amountOut and then it transfers amountOut to the user directly.

This logic won’t cause any problem when the last pair just appear once in the swap path. However, if the last pair appears multiple times in the swap path, it will miscalculate the amount to be transferred to the users.

The Attack Process:

  1. First, the attacker designed a swap path that included two self-constructed tokens, i.e. tokenA and token B. The swap path was [A, wBNB, B, A, wBNB], which resulted in the tokenA and wBNB pair being included twice in the swap path.

2. The first swap (tokenA → wBNB) and the second swap (second tokenA → wBNB) introduced the wBNB balance difference of the pair. As a result, both parts were included in the router, which led the router contract to transfer more wBNB than the exact amount to the attacker.

3. The attacker borrowed a flash loan of 1800 wBNB. After that, he added liquidity to newly constructed token pairs, i.e. [tokenA, wBNB] pair and [tokenB, wBNB] pair. After the swap, he got 1019 wBNB, and after he removed liquidity, he got 1029 wBNB. As a result, the Attacker profited around 271 wBNB and 37,295 BUSD, which amounts to approx $118,000.

After the Exploit :

Kaoya Swap is yet to announce any official statement regarding the attack. Further BlockSec identified the following addresses that made a profit out of this attack:






How Could They Have Avoided the Exploit?

The attack could have been mitigated by properly implementing the logic of the swap function for fee-on-transfer-tokens. These fee-on-transfer swap functions succeed by adjusting the “amountOutMin” parameter to check the recipient amount rather than the sending amount when calculating the invariant.

Further Reference:


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