Digital Ethnography for Taboo Topics

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2 min readFeb 18, 2019

Abortion and Family Planning remain taboo topics in many parts of the world, including India. Conventional on ground market research cannot always get the answers needed for Foundations and Non-Profits to make the interventions they need to make. And so, we stepped in to digitally understand human behavior.

Some of you know that Quilt.AI was founded on the premise of 60/20/20 where we spend 60% of our time on commercial market research, 20% of our time on paid work with Foundations and 20% of our time on cause based moon-shot stuff.

Today’s post on Abortion is a paid project which we did for Purpose.

Quilt.AI’s proprietary tools analysed more than 50,000 data point to understand male and female attitudes towards sexual reproductive health and rights topics. A few of the insights include:

  • Older males (above 25) are the key seekers of abortion pills
  • Home abortions are sought for discretion and privacy, but also for its non-invasive, ‘natural’, and herbal associations
  • Males and females under the age of 25 are the key seekers of basic contraceptive knowledge (eg. “how to prevent pregnancy”), whereas males and females over 25 are the key seekers of contraception goods and services (eg. “where to buy emergency pill”.

Read the article for more insights from our partnership with Purpose.

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