Making Meaningful Music: A Short Letter from the Quilt.AI team

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3 min readJul 17, 2020

At Quilt.AI, we like to hold ourselves to B-corp status. To us, what this also means is that we make it a point to give a portion of our monthly revenue to charity every month, to a cause we strongly believe in. This month, we’re happy to announce that we’re supporting the Daughters of Tomorrow’s Power Up Online initiative through an All-women concert fundraiser, UNHEARD.

Chancing upon news of the concert in a news article, we loved the motivations of the concert co-organisers, both in our capacity as an Employer Partner and keen supporter of DOT, and as avid music lovers ourselves.

Enabling Women is a cause we can and will always get behind.

In March last year, we met Carrie Tan, founder of Singapore-based NGO Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT) when presenting the results of our Female Financial Literacy Report.

She founded DOT in 2014 with the goal of enabling women, sparked after a trip to India in 2007. The trip stirred her indignance towards injustice faced by women born in less fortunate circumstances. On her further travels around Asia, she saw how women’s exposure to opportunities vastly differed from place to place, background to background.

DOT helps women aged 20 to 60 from low-income families secure regular and sustained employment. Through providing skills-training, job-bridging and support programmes, DOT helps these women become economically independent so that they can take control of their lives.

We reached out to Cheryl Chen, who looks after Fundraisings and Partnerships at DOT, for her thoughts on the concert. She effuses, “Vine Music Studio has shown us incredible generosity in hosting UNHEARD to raise funds on our behalf as well as providing complimentary voice lessons to several of our selected beneficiaries and their children.”

“This opportunity for our women has been particularly special and unique as our core programs are mostly directed in support of our women’s back to work journey. It is a privilege being part of a global collaboration of women showcasing their art and talent for good.”

“It is by the kind support of corporate partners like Vine Music Studio and Quilt.AI that enable us to continue the work that we do. Quilt.AI has continually supported us as an Employer & Corporate Partner over past years, giving opportunities to our women that they normally would not have access to.”

On this note, we dedicate this post to celebrating the local and global music talents that have lent their support for this charity concert.

We had the pleasure of chatting with the organisers of the concert earlier this week, and were inspired by Cherie and Rachel’s efforts — planning and putting together an 80-minute long concert in the space of one and a half months. The dynamic duo also recently launched a music school — Vine Music Studio in the last quarter.

In the spirit of good music, we ran a few songs from local Singapore duo SLAYN through our Culture AI engines, a duo Cherie is a part of. We studied three songs, ALRIGHT, Lies and Covers, and Free.

Across these three songs, our personality model revealed that the songs were detected as melancholic, self-reflective, and fiery. Examining results from our Emotion AI model, we found that in terms of happiness, our Culture AI ranks ‘Free’ as the happiest, followed by ‘ALRIGHT’ and ‘Lies and Covers’. In terms of sadness, the song with the most sadness was detected as being ‘Lies and Covers’, followed by ‘Free’, and lastly ‘ALRIGHT’.

Turning to our sentiment analysis results, which detects the overall degree of negativity or positivity in song lyrics, we found that of the three, ‘Lies and Covers’ was the only one with a negative sentiment score. ‘ALRIGHT’ and ‘Free’ both had a positive sentiment, with ‘ALRIGHT’ being a third less positive than ‘Free’.

On another day, we’d like to expand this research into studying the soul and character of Singapore music, with an expanded repertoire of artists, but today is not that day.

As our finale note, we would like to share that the online concert will live-stream on Vine Music Studio’s facebook page, tomorrow at 9PM Singapore Time, Saturday. RSVP here:




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