Corona Vacuus*

Irati 🔱🦉
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2023
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

If I only could clone myself
And leave the detached one back
So my beloved ones wouldn’t miss me

Ride my sun barque into the night
No passengers, no company

Whereever I arrive, I can try to break

Through the dried blood and crust
To reattach myself to myself

Through all the grime and pain
And scraped open still bleeding wounds
I reach for tendons and nerves

And tie and sew and staple
Nail, rivet and weld
So my broken parts may some day
Light up with life again

Grow together again
Hold together again
Work together again

Someplace faraway
Where I cannot hurt anyone

And when I finally will return

I will invite you into my sun barque again
Under the radiant crown into a new dawn

(The title does not refer to Sars-CoV 2 or another coronavirus but the latin meaning of “corona” for “crown” or “wreath”. It also alludes to the use of “Ich hab die Strahlenkrone auf, Corona” (“I wear the radiant crown, Corona”) in Einstürzende Neubauten’s “Sonnenbarke” (“Sun barque”)

Wear a mask and if for some reason in 2023, you are not vaccinated, get your shot.)



Irati 🔱🦉

antifascist feminist thinking about (&) feeling many things // not “a man” // any pronouns but "he/him" // human // ʎ|y