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Irati šŸ”±šŸ¦‰
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2020


(Ending the Chapter)

Find annotations about the names and references here.

My words are Atheneā€™s talons
Baba Gurgur my will
Chiron gave my eyes
My smile to IŔtar

Thereā€™s a universe in my head
You cannot fathom

Layla and Majnūn unleashed
Stars piercing Nyxā€™ fabric
With Ɖrisā€™ flame
Dancing until Vamakaliā€™s final step

My fingers were forged in Urim
Eleos is my skin
My voice as wild as Girra
withholds me

Thereā€™s a bond in my heart
You must not shatter

For Netiā€™s realm is barred
Beatrice and Vergilio are lost to you
The lightbearer will wash
All of you away

My kiss like Ƨam balı
Philomela weaved my touch
My embrace is Dumuzid
Hēdonē leads my hand

Thereā€™s a fervour in my soul
You will never recognise

Venus seduces Å ulpae
Ninmah breathes her concession
Anar thrown to kallistēi
IŔkur over the kanephoroi

The blood and the fire
The sceptre and the arms
Longing for each other
Holding each other

Being each other
Until Anu cedes.


Enlil (old; newer name: Elil), Lord Wind, was barred from sleep by the loud people, unleashed a flood to silence the world.
ā€œYour world is mine. Your burden is mine. Until I lay my head to rest.ā€

Athene is beautiful but rarely dangerous, still she is a bird of prey.
Baba Gurgur is ever-burning under the surface, fires erupting randomly since ancient times.
Chironā€™s wedding gift to Peleus was a spear: seldom seen, and piercing if directed.
IŔtar (older name: Inanna), the goddess of love and war, tried to conquer the underworld.
ā€œWith radiating eyes that caught me in a beam.ā€

Layla and Majnūn: the lovers, they dance,
and burn as hard as Ɖrisā€™ flame of hate and contempt (not for each other),
like stars in the night sky until one stops the other lest they go too far
as Vamakali, unhinged Kali after destroying many demons: Shiva lay down in front of her so she would see him and stop, Vamakali only recognised him when she stepped one foot on him.
ā€œThis songless, sightless, silent giant
ā€ ā†©

Like the Dagger of Ur, the fingers are delicate, unique and hurtful.
Eleos is merciful, sensitive and compassionate.
Girra is the god of fire and of light, both useful and destructive;
Galbanum soothes.
ā€œWe offer our admission and return home.ā€

When IŔtar tried to conquer the underworld, Neti took a token of her power from her at each seal, leaving her naked and powerless in the end.
Beatrice and Vergilio are reason and knowledge and thus lost to you.
Lack of depth in understanding and emotion, the same as death.
ā€œFrom afar, just a light on the hillā€

Ƈam balı, pine honey: unusual, and it might make a heart skip a beat.
Philomela was raped and her tongue cut out; she weaved her story into a cloth. It may caress scars or tear open wounds.
Dumuzid (old; newer name: Tammuz), the consort of IÅ”tar, ā€œthe shepherdā€, was dragged into the underworld, blindfolded and forbidden from sleeping. (He dies yearly, thus the seasons.) His caress comes at a price.
Hēdonē just follows pleasure and delight and has no regard for consequences.
ā€œSkin deep, we carve our immeasurable sorrowā€

Venus and Å ulpae (ā€œthe brilliant youthā€, a consort to the mother goddess, though tied to demons and the underworld): the images of beauty and youth.
Ninmah, ā€œmagnificent queenā€, is the mother goddess, she breathes and thus allows things that usually are not granted.
Anar: dalim; kallistēi: Erisā€™ apple over which Hera, Athene and Aphrodite fought.
IŔkur (old, new: Adad), the God of storms and rain; kanephoros: a honorific office for young unmarried women/girls carrying baskets of fruits (and a sacrifical knife), wearing necklaces of figs.
ā€œThis is all you; so this is all yours.ā€ ā†©

Blood and fire are intriguing and to be wielded cautiously. ā†©

Anu (old: An) is the sky, created the universe itself.
ā€œThere is no road to redemption.ā€



Irati šŸ”±šŸ¦‰

antifascist feminist thinking about (&) feeling many things // not ā€œa manā€ // any pronouns but "he/him" // human // ŹŽ|y