Experiencing the #EndSARS Movement as a Nigerian-American and its Connection to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Sola Awojoodu
ICM506 at Quinnipiac University
12 min readDec 14, 2020

Internet activism and online social movements are prevalent in our society today. Through movements including Me Too, Occupy Wall Street, and Black Lives Matter, we have learned that social media is powerful and influential, especially regarding human rights and injustice. As a Nigerian-American, a recent social movement that has impacted me personally is the #EndSARS movement. This movement started as a way to combat brutality attributed to Nigeria’s Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

SARS, a tactical police unit, was formed in 1992 to minimize violent crime and armed robbery. Over the years, SARS members have utilized their autonomy to act cruelly and unjustly, committing extrajudicial killings, kidnapping, rape, murder, theft, robbery, torture, unlawful arrests, extortion, and more. Additionally, SARS operatives stereotype, profile, and target young people in Nigeria based on their possessions and appearance. As a result of experiencing officers’ heinous crimes daily, young people became outraged, starting protests in Nigeria in October 2020. Alongside others, members of the global diaspora demonstrated internationally in support of the movement, which gained traction via Twitter and Instagram.

Protesters hold signs memorializing some of the victims slain by police officers in Nigeria and the United States. Sources: Nigerian photojournalist Grace Ekpu @Camerassassin; Frankie Cordoba, Unsplash

#EndSARS is directly connected to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in multiple ways. Firstly, the “Black Lives Matter movement began because the deaths of innocent African American men and women were ignored, in the same way the deaths of young Nigerians at the hands of SARS have been ignored.” Both movements gained momentum through hashtag memorialization of individuals who died at the hands of law enforcement officials, individuals whose deaths would have been disregarded otherwise. Additionally, “Both Black Lives Matter and #EndSARS have been spearheaded by young demonstrators who are fed up with the status quo and want to fix the transgressions of previous generations.” BLM and #EndSARS have unveiled deep-rooted issues and misdeeds within the police forces of the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

As a young, first-generation Nigerian-American, the #EndSARS and Black Lives Matter movements both detail me. These movements are significant, impacting and shaping the future of Nigeria, America, and the world. Though I will discuss aspects of both BLM and #EndSARS, Black Lives Matter may be more familiar to you. Therefore, I hope to give you insight into why the #EndSARS movement is equally important.

Personal Connections

Black Lives Matter Movement

This year, we learned that black individuals in the United States are more likely to die from lethal force by law enforcement than any other race. According to research, African Americans are 3x more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts. Additionally, black people are 1.3x more likely to be unarmed when killed in comparison to white people. This reality may not have always been public knowledge for U.S. citizens, or some may not have cared. However, as a young, black, United States citizen, I have increasingly become aware of the unspoken rules of conduct during contact with law enforcement officials.

Source: Mapping Police Violence

This year’s renewal of the Black Lives Matter movement restored familiar thoughts and feelings regarding what it means to be black in America. Subconsciously, black people are often moving through life with careful consideration, as encountering discrimination, structural racism, and inequality is a common possibility. A few of my most communicable concerns span from taking precautions in public settings like shopping, to questioning if growing wealth is a realistic ambition, and experiencing the ever-present fear of being stopped by police or losing a loved one to police brutality. Countless systemic issues surrounding race were exposed this year by the Black Lives Matter movement. Upon learning of the many shortcomings of our criminal “justice” system, I felt deeply disappointed in our country. Similar sentiments arose for me when faced with the #EndSARS movement.

The Black Lives Matter and #EndSARS movements are viral, online movements that rapidly took to the streets, literally. Sources: Paul Frangipane; Seun Sanni/Reuters, The News & Observer, DNB Stories

#EndSARS Movement

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa as well as the seventh most populous in the world, maintaining a population of about 207 million people. Its youth population is the third-largest in the world, and 60% of its population is under age 30. By the year 2050, Nigeria is expected to become the third-largest country in the world. With such a large population of young people, the well-being of Nigeria’s youth is crucial.

Recently, the #EndSARS movement shed light on a nefarious police force that has made it commonplace to target and brutalize young people. Similar to victims of police brutality in America, SARS officers’ victims are “predominantly male between the ages of 18 to 35, from low-income backgrounds and vulnerable groups.” Additionally, young people between 17 and 30 are more at risk of arrest, torture, or extortion by SARS. It is common knowledge that SARS officers will stop you if you have tattoos or dreadlocks, drive a nice car, possess expensive gadgets, or wear tight clothes or ripped jeans. Once stopped, they will accuse you of being an internet scammer, robber, or prostitute.

As a young Nigerian, I fit into the profile of individuals sought by SARS. I am 27 with expensive gadgets, tattoos, piercings, and more identifiers that SARS officers look for. Much like America, when I visit Nigeria, I abide by specific rules in hopes of avoiding SARS stop-and-search operations. Some of the rules cycling through my subconscious include keeping my iPhone concealed, wearing clothing that hides my tattoos, and allowing others to speak for me in public so that my American accent is not recognized. Thank God I no longer have dreadlocks. For young individuals who live in Nigeria, moving through life without being harassed by officers is nearly impossible. Every young person has a SARS story. #EndSARS helped reveal many of these personal accounts, uncovering the imperfections of Nigeria as a country. SARS’ unjust and unlawful actions serve as a small-scale representation of Nigeria’s deep-rooted political corruption. #EndSARS exposed the disappointment of Nigeria’s citizens in their leadership. I share in this disappointment.

“As a Nigerian abroad watching the violence taking place in your home country, you oftentimes feel helpless. You see your people dying, and you feel like there is nothing you can physically do to help your family and friends. But this is a misconception that will force you to lose focus on the importance of this fight — and the role you have in it.” -Kanyinsola Oye

My Part

As a member of the African diaspora witnessing the #EndSARS movement taking place on-ground in Nigeria, I have felt helpless. “You see your people dying, and you feel like there is nothing you can physically do to help your family and friends.” As an African American, this emotional eruption is already close to home, but imagine it feeling much closer to home when the brutality stretches as far as your actual home-country. The only way to participate in the movement is to become part of it. Staying updated on happenings in Nigeria, attending demonstrations locally, checking in on fellow Nigerians, keeping the conversation going, and making use of the #EndSARS hashtag, are ways that I become part of the movement. Personally, I consistently hope and pray for Nigeria to see better days.

Significance of the #EndSARS Movement

The importance of the Black Lives Matter movement has likely come to your attention, possibly on multiple occasions. We have all had educational opportunities surrounding the movement and the current state of our criminal justice system. But what makes the #EndSARS movement equally significant? Simply put, “Black lives matter everywhere that black lives are found.”

“Black lives matter everywhere that black lives are found: be it on the streets of the US, in rubber dinghies on the Mediterranean Sea, or in the towns and cities of Nigeria. Nigerians cried over the killing of George Floyd. And we hope in America, in Brazil, in Britain, in France, in China, in India, the African diaspora will also stand with us as we mourn the protester Jimoh Isiaq, who was shot last Saturday, and others killed by Sars.” -Chibundu Onuzo

Exposure of Deep-Rooted Issues

In 2020, numerous hidden transgressions were uncovered globally. The unprecedented and infamous COVID-19 pandemic brought about stay-at-home orders. While in quarantine, we were forced to face problematic matters that exist in our organizations, states, nations, leadership, and world. We learned that the internet is powerful and social media can unveil and bring awareness to systemic pitfalls. Though we have testimonies of some of the people involved in these matters, we also have access to evidence through images and footage circulating online. This footage does not lie. In fact, because of the footage, these pitfalls are on display for the world to see, even if our leaders choose to ignore them. This is the case with #EndSARS.

#EndSARS has brought attention to the overarching greed and corruption that exists in Nigeria. The Special Anti-Robbery Squad was formed as a covert unit with the mission of detaining, investigating, and prosecuting individuals involved in violent crime during a time of heightened kidnapping and robbery. SARS eventually branched out across Nigeria, and officers began carrying weapons publicly. Today, these officers are emboldened, abusing their power to manipulate citizens into meeting their unlawful requests. They set up roadblocks and perform unwarranted stop-and-search operations. This allows them to extort money, search personal belongings, steal property from citizens, and commit brutal crimes. SARS officials are now criminals themselves. They arrest innocent people without probable cause, kidnap individuals and hold them for ransom, torture those they have detained, and murder fellow Nigerians simply because there will not be any consequences for their actions. A reign of impunity by SARS exists in Nigeria. The worst part is that the leadership of Nigeria allows, and sometimes supports, their actions. This police branch is a small-scale replica of a massive issue in Nigeria concerning corruption.

Corruption and Economic Incompetence

Pres. Muhammadu Buhari, Present; Source: Twitter, @Mbuhari

For years, police brutality and injustice have been ongoing issues in Nigeria. Since 2017, the leadership of Nigeria has made empty promises to disband SARS. Unfortunately, instead of disbanding the unit, officers are redeployed to other branches of the Nigerian police force. The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, is well-known for his unfulfilled vows to the citizens of Nigeria. Though many of Nigeria’s past presidents are marked by corruption, President Buhari has repeatedly misled the Nigerian people. Post-independence, Nigeria’s leadership has been comprised of a “revolving door of dictators and corrupt leaders,” including President Buhari, who previously ruled Nigeria in the 1980s as a military dictator following a military coup. Buhari is now a self-labeled, democratic President, elected in Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election and re-elected in 2019.

Major General Buhari, post-coup in 1983. Source: William Campbell, BBC

How does a past dictator enter into office as a democratically elected president for two terms? By way of making empty promises to civilians desperate for change. Nigeria’s preceding president, Goodluck Jonathan, was involved in various scandals. Buhari’s presidential campaign was founded on pledges to address Boko Haram, as well as clean up governmental corruption. Buhari sold a dream that he would be an agent of change in Nigeria’s extensive history of corruption. Sadly, under the incumbent president’s administration, Nigeria’s issues persist, including a growing economic decline.

Source: Unknown, Joy Obidike’s Blog

In the last five years, the unemployment rate in Nigeria has tripled, reaching 27.1%. In a country where young people make up more than 60% of the population, Nigeria’s future is in jeopardy. With minimal employment opportunities and no funding for higher education, repeating the cycle of poverty is on the horizon. Unfortunately, Nigerian leaders do not seem to care. Buhari’s administration has only favored one person: Buhari. The president has insinuated that the youth of Nigeria are lazy, gone missing from leadership for several months without warning, withheld COVID-19 aid from Nigerian citizens to hoard it for his own use, and ignored the cries and concerns of his people regarding inhumane actions performed by SARS. President Buhari has proven himself to be a selfish and incompetent leader, unfit to reside over a nation full of potential.

Nigeria’s Potential

The Future is Bright

Nigeria is currently the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. As the epicenter of West Africa, containing a massive youth population, Nigeria is home to many vibrant, resilient, hard-working individuals that have been oppressed and exploited for decades. Prosperity is long-overdue. Nigeria’s potential is evident and unmistakable. This country is rich in natural resources, including hydrocarbons. It is Africa’s main oil producer. Nigeria’s land also possesses a significant amount of iron, ore, coal, tin, zinc, lead, limestone, and other natural resources. Regarding agricultural and irrigational capabilities, the land in Nigeria is promising. Additionally, in various industries including entertainment, athletics, academia, cinema, and more, the people of Nigeria are all-around talented. Despite all the challenges they face, Nigerians are unstoppable. Therefore, there is hope for Nigeria to one day achieve all that awaits it.

In a nutshell, Nigeria has the potential for a bright and beautiful future. A change in leadership is necessary for this potential to be realized. By the next presidential election, in 2023, Nigerian youth are projected to make up a significant portion of the voting population. Through the #EndSARS movement, the youth have recognized their power and strength. When the opportunity presents itself, they will utilize this power to bring about change.

Source: Olukayode Jaiyeola/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Get Involved

Here are several ways to join the #EndSARS movement:

  • Learn more about the #EndSARS movement. Click the links provided within the paragraphs to gain more insight into some of the topics covered above. For a broad understanding, start with the following resources: The Daily Show Explainer Video, The Guardian Explainer Video, Amnesty International SARS Investigation, Nairametrics: #EndSARS Timeline.
  • Learn about the Lekki Toll Gate Massacre, a tragedy that occurred on October 20, 2020 at the hands of the Nigerian military. [WARNING: imagery supporting this topic is graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.] CNN Investigation, Premium Times NG Report, Amnesty International Investigative Timeline.
  • Email President Buhari directly to request an end to impunity for police violence.
  • Use the #EndSARS hashtag on your social media platforms to raise awareness.
  • Discuss the movement with others. Do research, ask questions, fact-check your sources, and inform others of the occurrences surrounding the #EndSARS movement.
  • Donate in support. Bustle and IGN have provided lists of organizations that are raising funds to support protesters, the movement, and Nigerian citizens in general. Though most donations have closed, check back later for reopenings.
  • Keep track of the movement for any new developments.
  • Advocate for Nigerians and Nigerian youth when the opportunity arises. This is where you get creative! Here are some ideas: Join peaceful protests, support Nigerians in education, employ Nigerians, purchase products from Nigerian-owned businesses, indulge in Nigerian literature, music, art, etc., and more.
Source: Sunday Alamba/AP



As a Nigerian-American, what’s my resolve? Personally, I am keeping hope alive. I, amongst my fellow Nigerian-American family members, friends, and peers, choose to remain prayerful, stay optimistic, and work to dismantle systemic issues within our respective countries. I will continue to promote unity and equity in both Nigeria and the United States. Moving forward, I desire to find ways to invest in the future of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As a member of the Nigerian diaspora, I believe that I am privileged, having access to resources that some of my peers in Nigeria can not access. I look forward to finding ways to support Nigerians back home. Altogether, I am passionate about challenging and uprooting injustice in both of my countries. I dream of working alongside others to build a peaceful and harmonious land with the intent that our future generations will flourish.

Tackling Injustice

In recent years, we have witnessed the undeniable intensity that is housed within social movements and campaigns, both online and offline. Whether in America, Nigeria, or other countries of the world, it is imperative to speak against injustice and inhumane activity. We can no longer afford to bury our systemic issues, lest they carry on. Today, no one’s ear is too far to reach. We need to remember that our voices will be heard and use this to our advantage. Use your voice and your platforms to tackle injustice. You, too, can start a movement and incite impactful change. Looking back, who knew that a hashtag could deserve notice on a global scale?

