How do we make our community of Quiqees thrive? We listen to them

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4 min readMar 7, 2017

If someone told me when I started my job at Quiqup that I could drastically improve the quality and quantity of our fleet of Quiqees by simply listening to their feedback, I would have never believed them. With more than 30 Quiqees joining us each week, we have on-boarded over 1600 to date.

Although it’s important to continually grow our fleet, it is equally important that our Tech grows and evolves with them. Providing our Quiqees with a seamless and rewarding experience for every single pickup they do, is vital to the overall success of the company, and remains at the forefront of what we do.

Our Quiqees are the face of Quiqup, our everyday heroes. I am their voice, their Community Manager.

Meet Nic, skater, guitarist, and Quiqee Community Manager

As such, my primary mission is to listen to our Quiqees and action their feedback. One of the first things we did when I started was to set up focus groups with selected “legacy” Quiqees to gather info on their experiences from different perspectives. From equipment and processes, to the Quiqee app and overall feedback —whether it’s good or bad, we want to hear it! Being at the heart of every pickup we do, they have invaluable insights on the role and the job. Focus groups also shed light on their expectations and needs as Quiqees:

  • Flexible shifts. Their work needs to fit around their schedule, allowing them to work plenty of hours when they need to, or few when they don’t. Being able to flexibly earn money whilst still working towards future goals, or even during studies, is important.
  • Easy set up. When it comes to induction, on-boarding and access to the necessary equipment, they want to get started immediately, with everything they need to accomplish their missions.
  • Reward. Receiving recognition for their efficiency and service, whilst taking into account completed missions, cost of travel and peak times is also important. Our Quiqees are our everyday heroes so we ensure there is always someone looking out for them while they’re on the road.

We actively actioned their feedback to implement a Quiqee acquisition and retention strategy using a mix of marketing, communications and operational tactics.

We created a dedicated Quiqee page on our website that focuses on their values, whilst also streamlining the online application process. We explored several offline (pop-ups in universities, job fairs) and online channels (Gumtree, Job Today, Indeed, Adwords and Adsense) to maximise reach and acquisition. A mix that proved to be very successful, boosting intakes of 160% since when I started.

Thanks to an efficient induction and on-boarding process, applicants can arrive for a morning interview and leave as a fully fledged Quiqee that same afternoon, ready to pick shifts for that evening. Take Steve for instance; he’s been a Quiqee for over a year now and has relished the flexibility and variety since day one.

“Being flexible is very important to me. If I need to do something, or if something comes up, I know I can make it. I thought it would be difficult to find work at my age, but I was able to join [Quiqup] and start very quickly, none of this waiting around for 3 weeks nonsense. I’ve now been to everywhere on the Monopoly board. It was a good day when I went to the last spot!”

Steve, one of our “legacy” Quiqees

We also introduced an incentive scheme for longer-than-average jobs, giving priority shifts to the most dedicated Quiqees during peak hours, on top of bonuses for every completed mission. We started engaging with them through a monthly newsletter, keeping them up to date with company news, whilst also sharing Quiqee success stories. These have proved really popular with average open rates of 71%.

I relentlessly collaborate with the Data and Ops teams to ensure the provisioning of Quiqees reflects customer demand, therefore minimising idle time while still maximising efficiency and engagement.

Learning from our Quiqees has brought great results in just a few months. Quarterly focus groups will be integral to driving engagement at scale, together with product evolution.

Their insights have already been included in the Tech roadmap, and will see new features added to the Quiqee app. KPI dashboards to track earnings and the ability to see other Quiqee’s performances to encourage healthy competition are just a few of the great upcoming developments. Wider and more tailored communications will also ensure more accurate feedback gathering, whilst driving the foundations of an actual Quiqee marketing plan.

Next time, Emma, our Marketing Manager, will be sharing with you some insights on “Marketing made in Quiqup”.

Nic, Community Manager

