Meet Our Quiqees: Mohamed on Quiqee life during the month of Ramadan

Philip Crean
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017

For this edition of our Meet Our Quiqees feature, we decided to find out more about what June means for our Muslim community and understand the challenges that fasting during the holy month of Ramadan brings to Quiqee life. To help guide me through the ins and outs, I spoke to one of our full-time riders. Everyone, Meet Mohamed…

Having arrived in London a few years back to help kickstart a new career, Mohamed is now well settled in Palmers Green and enjoying taking charge of his own schedule. Originally born and raised in Algeria, working for a startup has presented a unique opportunity to discover new skills and allowed him the time to do things close to his heart.

What made you want to join us as a Quiqee?

For me it was something new to do, a new challenge. I came from working in the oil industry in Brazil so when I moved to London I started to look for a new career which would also allow me to study. Now I am at The Open University learning Computing and IT and I’m still able to earn money.

What do you enjoy most about working with Quiqup?

I think the variety. Every day I get different missions, I go to all sorts of places and meet lots of interesting and nice customers. I think you can get bored easily if you work in a confined place and you end up not enjoying what you do. Working with Quiqup disrupts the routine

How has fasting affected your every day work?

It’s okay now. At first it is difficult because your body is used to consuming a certain amount but after a few days it adjusts. At the moment I start fasting around 3am and keep going until sunset which is just past 9pm. It means I have to work less, and definitely not during the evening. That time is to break my fast and be with the family.

What do you do in your spare time?

Apart from working on my degree, most of my time is spent with my family. I have an 18 month old daughter called Yasmine who means a lot to me. I’m still quite a new father so it’s been an exciting change in my life.

Thanks Mohamed and I wish you all the best with Ramadan.

As always, we’ll see you next month where we’ll meet another one of our Quiqees!

Nic, Community Manager

