10 Signs of Disengaged Employees and How to Re-Engage Employees

Raisa Goldatama
Quire & You
Published in
7 min readOct 27, 2022
project management software

It’s no secret that engaged employees are productive employees. In fact, according to a Gallup study, companies with engaged employees outperform their competitors by up to 202%.

So, what exactly is employee engagement, and how can you tell if your team is suffering from it?

Employee engagement is defined as “the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their work and company.”

An engaged employee is someone who is passionate about their job and feels a sense of ownership in the company’s success or failure. They’re also more likely to be creative, Innovative, and productive.

On the other hand, a disengaged employee is just going through the motions. They may be putting in the bare minimum to get by, or they may be actively sabotaging the company.

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Impact on disengaged employees

Disengaged employees are costly to businesses — according to the same Gallup study, they cost US companies up to $550 billion a year in lost productivity. But the impact of disengagement goes beyond just dollars and cents.

Disengaged employees can also:

Undermine company morale: When employees are disengaged, it can have a ripple effect on the rest of the team.

Their negative attitude can be contagious, and before you know it, you have a whole department that’s unhappy and unproductive.

Create health and safety risks: Employees who don’t care about their job or their company are more likely to take shortcuts and cut corners, which can lead to accidents and injuries.

Damage your company’s reputation: Unhappy employees are more likely to badmouth your company to customers, clients, and anyone else who will listen.

This can damage your company’s hard-earned reputation and make it harder to attract top talent.

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What are the causes of disengaged employees?

Several factors contribute to employee disengagement.

It could be a lack of challenge in their role or a feeling that their work is not meaningful. It could be poor leadership or toxic workplace culture.

It could also be a lack of development opportunities or a feeling undervalued by the company.

Whatever the cause, it’s important to address it early on, before it starts to impact the rest of the team.

10 signs of disengaged employees

So how can you tell if your employees are disengaged? Here are 10 signs:

1. They’re Always Late or Absent

If your employees are frequently late or absent, it’s a sign that they don’t care about their job.

Of course, there will always be legitimate reasons for being late or absent, but if it’s a pattern, it’s a problem.

2. They’re Not Motivated

A lack of motivation is another sign of disengagement. If your employees seem uninterested in their work or apathetic about the company’s goals, it’s a problem.

3. They’re Unproductive

Disengaged employees are often unproductive. If you notice that your team isn’t meeting its goals or deadlines, it could be because they’re not engaged.

4. They’re Always Complaining

If your employees are always complaining, it’s a sign that they’re unhappy with their job. And an unhappy employee is usually a disengaged employee.

5. They Don’t Participate in Company Activities

Engaged employees are usually excited about company activities and events. If your employees never participate in these activities, it’s a sign that they’re not engaged.

6. They’re Not a Team Player

Disengaged employees often refuse to work as part of a team. If you notice that one of your employees is always doing their own thing, it could be a sign of disengagement.

7. They’re Negative

A negative attitude is another sign of disengagement. Disengaged employees are often pessimistic and cynical about the company and their work.

8. They Don’t Take Initiative

If your employees are just waiting around for someone to tell them what to do, it’s a sign that they’re not engaged.

Engaged employees take initiative and are always looking for ways to improve.

9. They’re Not Creative

Creativity is often stifled by disengagement.

If your employees seem uninterested in brainstorming new ideas or solutions, it could be because they’re not engaged.

10. They Don’t Care About the Company’s Success

If your employees don’t seem to care about the company’s success or failure, it’s a sign that they’re not engaged.

Engaged employees take pride in their work and want to see the company succeed.

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15 employee re-engagement tips

So, what can you do to re-engage your employees? Here are a few tips:

1. Define the Problem

The first step is to identify the problem. What is causing your employees to be disengaged? Once you know the root cause, you can start to address it.

2. Communicate with your Employees

Open and honest communication is key to addressing employee engagement. Make sure you’re talking to your team about their concerns and issues.

One of the best ways to re-engage your employees is to communicate the company’s vision and goals.

Let them know what you’re trying to achieve and why it’s important. This will help them see how their work fits into the big picture and how they can make a difference.

3. Offer Challenges and a Variety

Boredom is one of the main causes of disengagement. Employees need challenge and variety in their work to stay engaged.

4. Provide Feedback and Recognition

Employees need feedback to know that they’re doing a good job. They also need recognition for their hard work. Make sure you’re providing both.

5. Promote a Positive Work/Life Balance

A good work/life balance is essential for employee engagement. Employees need time to relax and recharge outside of work.

6. Encourage Employee Development

Employees need to feel like they’re growing and developing in their careers. Offer development opportunities and encourage your team to take advantage of them.

7. Create a Positive Work Environment

The workplace environment has a big impact on employee engagement. Make sure your office is a place that people want to be.

8. Support your Employees

Your employees need to know that you have their back. Show them that you’re supportive by standing up for them and advocating for their needs.

9. Delegate Responsibility

Engaged employees want to feel like they’re contributing to the company. Make sure you’re delegating responsibility and giving your team a chance to shine.

10. Be Flexible

Flexibility is key to employee engagement. Employees need to know that you’re flexible and willing to work with them.

11. Encourage Openness and honesty

Openness and honesty are essential for a healthy workplace. Encourage your team to be open and honest with you and with each other.

12. Respect your Employees

Respect is a two-way street. Make sure you’re treating your employees with respect and that you expect the same in return.

13. Be a Good Role Model

As a leader, you need to be a good role model for your team. Set an example and show them what it means to be engaged and committed to your work.

14. Reward Good Work

Make sure you’re rewarding your employees for their hard work. Recognition and appreciation will go a long way in keeping your team engaged.

15. Invest in Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an ongoing process. You need to continuously invest time and resources into keeping your team engaged.

Following these tips can help re-engage your employees and create a more productive, positive work environment.

5 ways project management software can help turn disengaged employees into re-engaged employees

1. Providing a common goal to work towards

When employees are disengaged, it’s often because they feel like they’re not contributing to something larger than themselves.

They may be bored with their work, or feel like their individual efforts aren’t making a difference. Project management software can help by giving employees a common goal to work towards.

By seeing how their efforts fit into the larger picture, employees can feel more engaged and motivated to do their best work.

2. Easier to communicate and collaborate

Effective communication is essential for any team, but it’s especially important when you’re trying to re-engage employees.

Project management software can make it easy for employees to communicate and collaborate, whether they’re in the same office or scattered around the world.

With clear and concise communication, employees can feel more connected to their team and their work, which can help re-engage them.

3. By giving employees a sense of ownership

When employees feel like they have a stake in their work, they’re more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Project management software can give employees a sense of ownership by allowing them to track their progress and see the results of their efforts. This visibility can help employees feel invested in their work and more engaged in their jobs.

4. By providing feedback and recognition

Employees who feel like they’re being recognized for their efforts are more likely to be engaged than those who don’t.

Project management software can help by providing feedback and recognition for a job well done. By acknowledging employees’ hard work, you can motivate them to keep up the good work and stay engaged in their jobs.

5. By making it fun

Employees are more likely to be engaged if they’re doing work that they enjoy. Project management software can make work more fun by gamifying it and adding elements of competition.

By making work more enjoyable, you can keep employees engaged and motivated to do their best.

Using these tools, you can create a more engaged and productive workforce.

