6 Famous Millennial Leaders and How They Transformed the Workplace

Raisa Goldatama
Quire & You
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2022
Project management software

Project management is being used by successful leaders in the workplace to drive productivity and manage workloads.

The traditional 9–5 workday is no longer the norm, with more people working remotely and across different time zones. This has led to a need for more flexible and adaptable project management methods.

Millennial leaders are at the forefront of this change, utilizing new technologies and approaches to better manage projects.

🔖Read more on how to lead a distributed team remotely?

6 famous millennial leaders

The millennial generation is often stereotyped as being lazy, entitled, and narcissistic.

However, many young adults challenge these negative stereotypes and make a name for themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

This is especially true for millennials who are working in project management.

Many millennials transform the way project management is done in the workplace. Here are six of them:

1. Joshua Zerkel

Joshua Zerkel is the author of “The Project Management Professional Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try.”

He is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Zerkel started his career as a software engineer.

He later transitioned into project management and has since worked on various large-scale projects, including the development of the Microsoft Office suite of products.

2. Kimberly Wiefling

Kimberly Wiefling is the author of “Scrappy Project Management: The 12 Manifesto Principles that we Learned from Managing Complex Projects.”

She is also the founder of The Wiefling Group, a project management consulting firm.

Wiefling started her career as a software engineer.

She later transitioned into project management and has since worked on various large-scale projects, such as the development of the Microsoft Office suite of products.

3. Drew Houston

Drew Houston is the founder and CEO of Dropbox, one of the world’s leading file-sharing services.

When it comes to project management, Houston believes in keeping things simple: “The simpler you can make things, the more likely people are going to do them,” he says.

This philosophy has helped him build a successful company by making it easy for people to use and share files online.

4. Evan Spiegel

Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of Snapchat, one of the world’s most popular snapping tools.

When it comes to managing projects, Spiegel takes a hands-on approach: “I’m not someone who believes that you can just sit in an office and come up with great ideas,” he says.

For him, getting involved in every aspect of a project is essential for ensuring its success.

5. Ben Silbermann

Ben Silbermann is the co-founder and CEO of Pinterest, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms.

When it comes to managing projects, Silbermann believes that clarity and communication are key: “You have to be clear about what you’re trying to achieve,” he says. “And you have to be able to communicate that clearly to other people.”

This approach has helped him build a successful company and develop a product that millions useâ.

6. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and CEO of Meta, one of the world’s largest social media platforms.

When it comes to project management, Zuckerberg is all about efficiency: “The biggest thing that we try to do is move quickly and make a lot of progress on the things that are important,” he says.

This focus on speed and progress has helped him build a successful company and create a product that is used by billions of people around the world.

These six millennial leaders are just a few of the many who are transforming project management in the workplace. With their fresh ideas and innovative approaches, they are showing us that there is no one right way to manage a project. So whatever your style, remember that you can always adapt and experiment until you find what works best for you.

9 ways project management software continues to transform the workplace

Project management software has come a long way in recent years. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, these tools have become more user-friendly and feature-rich than ever before.

As a result, they are playing a major role in transforming the way project management is done in the workplace. Here are three ways in which they are doing so:

1. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Gone are the days when project managers had to rely on email and phone calls to communicate with their team members.

With project management software, they can now easily connect with them no matter where they are in the world.

This is thanks to features such as real-time chat, video conferencing, and file sharing. These features allow project managers to easily collaborate with their team members and keep everyone on the same page.

2. Improving Transparency and Accountability

Another way in which project management software is transforming the workplace is by improving transparency and accountability.

With these tools, project managers can easily track the progress of their projects and ensure that everyone is working as efficiently as possible.

This is thanks to features such as project timelines, Gantt charts, and task tracking. These features give project managers a clear overview of what needs to be done and who is responsible for it.

🔖Read more on how to measure employee productivity using a PMS.

3. Making Meetings More Productive

Meetings are an essential part of any project manager’s job. However, they can often be a huge waste of time if not done properly.

With project management software, meetings can be made more productive. This is thanks to features such as meeting minutes and action items.

These features allow project managers to easily keep track of what was discussed in the meeting and what needs to be done next.

4. Reducing Costs

Project management software can also help to reduce costs. This is thanks to features such as time tracking and expense reporting.

These features allow project managers to easily track the amount of time their team members are spending on tasks and the expenses they are incurring.

This information can then be used to negotiate better rates with vendors and save money on projects.

5. Improving Client Satisfaction

Another way in which project management software is transforming the workplace is by improving client satisfaction.

With these tools, project managers can easily keep their clients up-to-date with the progress of their projects.

This is thanks to features such as client portals and project updates. These features allow project managers to easily share progress reports and project timelines with their clients.

6. Making Workflows More Efficient

Project management software can also help to make workflows more efficient. This is thanks to features such as automation and integrations.

With automation, project managers can set up tasks to be automatically completed at certain times. For example, they can set up emails to be sent out when a task is due or a report is generated.

Integrations allow project management software to work with other tools and platforms. This makes it easier for project managers to access the data and information they need.

7. Helping to Develop New Skills

Another way in which project management software is transforming the workplace is by helping to develop new skills. With these tools, project managers can easily access training materials and resources.

This is thanks to features such as online courses and tutorials. These features allow project managers to easily learn new skills and improve their knowledge of project management.

8. Enhancing Decision-Making

Project management software can also help to enhance decision-making. This is thanks to features such as data analysis and reporting.

With data analysis, project managers can easily identify trends and patterns. This information can then be used to make better decisions about projects.

Reporting allows project managers to generate reports on the progress of their projects. This information can then be used to identify areas of improvement and make changes accordingly.

9. Making Remote Work Easier

Project management software is also transforming the way we work by making remote work easier.

With these tools, project managers can easily manage their projects from anywhere in the world.

This is thanks to features such as cloud-based storage and mobile apps. These features allow project managers to access their data and files from any device.

Project management software continues to improve the workplace

Project management software is continuing to transform the workplace. With these 9 reasons, it’s easy to see why.

Thanks to time tracking and expense reporting features, project management software are making workflows more efficient and helping save money on projects.

Additionally, with features such as data analysis and reporting, project management software is enhancing decision-making and helps to improve the overall quality of projects.

Project management software is a powerful tool that is changing the way we work for the better.

Overall, project management software is transforming the workplace in several ways. Their ability to improve communication, collaboration, transparency, and accountability makes it easier for project managers to get the job done.

In addition, their ability to reduce costs and improve client satisfaction is also impacting the workplace.

