Dream Chasers: Taking on the world with the best melons from Brazil

José Luís Prado, 2nd generation of family-owned business ITAUEIRA

Crystal C.
Quire & You
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017


José Luís Prado and his family see it as their mission to bring their well-established melons Melão REI from their hometown in Ceará, northern Brazil, to countries all over the globe.

Founded in 1983 by his father Carlos, José is the 2nd generation of this family-owned business ITAUEIRA. They grow all kinds of melons from yellow honeydew melons to green melons, watermelons as well as grapes, and ship them to countries including the United States, Chile, Dubai, Russia, Holland, Spain and Italy.

Commercializing their best melons from domestically to internationally is not easy.

Not only are the family and their 1,400 employees responsible for harvesting 4 farms, they also need to take care of operations, finance, legal, sales & marketing, etc.

For all of these that they need to do, they found a solution.

“It is much easier to assign people, track progress and review what we have done in Quire than doing all these in a spreadsheet.”

— José Luís Prado, 2nd generation of melon-growing company ITAUEIRA

Before ITAUEIRA turned down spreadsheet, they have used Quire for about a month. And now, it has been 6 months since they got the app to help them achieve their goal.

“What we love most about Quire is its powerful tree-like interface which is intuitive, simple and elegant,” said José.

For example, anyone can collapse, expand or filter the tree list of tasks at will in Quire. An employee can filter by priority to focus on a few critical tasks; A manager can filter by assignee to see who did what at what time; The CEO can review the performance of everyone and everything. No more chasing after the team, or figuring out where it is at!

“It is just much easier to do all these in Quire, much easier to track, and much easier to review what we have done,” José concluded. “With such, we can focus on what we have always wanted to do: take on the world with our best-grown melons.”

Brazil. Melons. And Quire.

We all know that fruit farming is a traditional business. But this Brazilian family-owned company ITAUEIRA embraced technology to skyrocket their goal. Now, José and his family and colleagues are able to produce better quality melons, and distribute them to the rest of the world more efficiently. How wonderful!



Crystal C.
Quire & You

Content Writer at ThinkCloud. Writer, food lover, and aniholic.