Drill Down

Current features report #2

Crystal C.
Quire & You
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2015


Sometimes, users would like to focus on only one task and its subtasks on Quire, especially when they have a long task list and want to hide all the other tasks from the screen. This is when the “drill down” feature comes in handy.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose a task in your project
  1. Click on the “drill down” icon that looks like a magnifying glass in the detail panel (on the screen’s right side)
  1. Then, you will only see the task and its subtasks

Things you may want to know:

If you want to see the task’s parent task and its children tasks, click on it in the top menu bar of the main panel (on the screen’s central or main side).

Note here that the breadcrumbs that appear horizontally across the top menu bar provide a trail for you to follow back to the starting point, your root task.

This is what you will see.

To work the other way around, meaning to see the task’s subtask and its children tasks, you need to both select the subtask and click on the “drill down” icon, like in step 1 and 2.

Last but not least, if you want to undo it, simply click on the “drill down” icon again.

Or you can click on the “drill down” icon in the top menu bar of the main panel.

Then, you will see a complete list of your tasks and subtasks again.

You may also want to know the shortcut for “drill down”: Ctrl+D. To undo, simply press the same keys again or ESC.

As you can see, “drill down” is very useful for users who want to focus on a single task without being distracted by the others.

See you in our next report!



Crystal C.
Quire & You

Content Writer at ThinkCloud. Writer, food lover, and aniholic.