Highlight Your Tasks with Color and Styles

Crystal C.
Quire & You
2 min readDec 14, 2017


We see it as our mission to keep a simple, clean interface, including a neat task list. However, for those of you who want to easily identify your tasks and projects in a long list, you can use Markdown, and CSS styles to make them stand out. Additionally, if you want to add special characters, HTML entities are supported too.

Here are a couple examples to get you started:

Add Color & Styles to Task Names

If you type a task name like this:

{color:green|a green task}

You will see:

Or, if you type:

**{color:green, font-size:20px, text-decoration:underline|a big green task}**

It will turn into:

This is what a task list with styles looks like:

Add Color & Styles to Text

Not just task names, you can also add color and styles in task descriptions and comments.

Here is an example:

Add Characters to Text

What is more, you can add special characters and symbols with HTML entities too.

For example, you can enter:


Then, it will show as:


There is more to Markdown in task descriptions and comments. For a complete Markdown cheat sheet, you can check out this blog post.



Crystal C.
Quire & You

Content Writer at ThinkCloud. Writer, food lover, and aniholic.