Roles & Permissions in Quire

New features report #3

Crystal C.
Quire & You
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2015


We believe full-trust collaboration is the most productive. However, for a fine grained control of permissions in your team, you can choose different roles for your members.

The four roles are Admin, Normal, Limited, and Guest, each with their own level of permissions.


By default, Normal is the role given to the new member you have invited. Being a Normal member basically allows you to manage everything in a project or organization, except its members.

An Admin, on the other hand, has all the permissions, including managing a project or organization, and its members.

When you outsource a task to an external team, you can assign different roles to the team’s external members. The external members will only have permissions to the task outsourced to the team even if they take on the Admin role.

For more details, the tables below summarize what each of the four roles can do in a project, organization and external team.


What you can do in a project if you are…

Note: Limited members can only complete tasks that are assigned to them.


What you can do with an organization if you are…

Note: When Normal members create projects, they become Admins of these projects. But they cannot access other projects they are not members of.

External Team

What you can do in an external team if you are…

Note: Admin and Normal members in an external team can delete tags created by external members.



Crystal C.
Quire & You

Content Writer at ThinkCloud. Writer, food lover, and aniholic.