Most Interesting Facts About Antarctica

It really is a fascinating place

Stephanie Slozberg
Quirky And Fascinating Facts


Photo by Tam Minton on Unsplash

Antarctica, also known as the South Pole, is a small continent at the bottom of the earth. It is home to many different animal species, and the only humans that live there are scientists. Below are the most fascinating facts about this unique place in the world.

It Is The Coldest Place On Earth

Since Antarctica is located at the bottom of the earth, far from the equator, it is no surprise that it holds the record for reaching the lowest temperature ever recorded on this planet (-89.2 degrees Celcius) -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

Largest Desert In The World

Although Antarctica is covered in ice, it is often considered the biggest desert on Earth because it receives very little precipitation and has no vegetation on its surface.

Gigantic Water Supply

Antarctica is considered a significant water reservoir, as 70% of the world’s freshwater comes from Antarctica’s ice.

No Humans

Antarctica has a very harsh environment, so it is no surprise that it is the only continent with no native human population. It is also too harsh for humans to live there permanently. However…



Stephanie Slozberg
Quirky And Fascinating Facts

Stephanie Slozberg advocates for ADHD awareness and is an aspiring writer, writing content about how to cope with ADHD. Contact