Werk-Skewl-Lyfe Balance Be Cray AF

Nicky Mazur
Quit Keyframing Around
2 min readFeb 20, 2017


Oh man. Week 3 came with a pretty extensive wake up call. Before enrolling in this course, I made sure I was mentally equipped to put in the hours expected of me after work for class and assignments. What I was not mentally equipped to take on were just how late the late nights were going to be when you’re already doing the late-night thing for work.

My job has been a bit more demanding and unpredictable the past couple months, and this past week, I was in the thick of it. But, hey — I got to reconnect with 3am, 4am, 5am eye-strained and wired Nicky. Sounds awful, but the weird thing was… I didn’t mind it. I was loving what I was doing and what I was learning, making the lack of sleep well-worth it.

First Draft of Style Frames

We presented the first draft of our style frames, and the feedback was awesome. Our mentor dove into our projects and really dissected the work. I was discovering new ways to emphasize different elements through my classmates’ projects and how subtle tweaks in perspective can alter the impact of a scene.

My crazy looking Illustrator file. 4-color palette, hand-drawn lettering, and choppy shapes.
3 of the 6 style frames I choose to move forward with finalizing.

Check out the full presentation doc of my assignment.

Some notes I took from our live critique.

On top of soaking up a lot of good stuff from critique, I also got schooled on process, communication, compositing, process, stacking values, lateral thinking and more process.



Nicky Mazur
Quit Keyframing Around

animation. illustration. stirred by its beauty, gripped in the technical and theory.