THOR RAGNAROK — trailer review

Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2017

by WormDrink414

On April 10th at 2 pm, the world was taken by storm as the first trailer for Thor Ragnarok from Marvel Studios was released online. As many have noted before, Thor is a big-name action franchise now. The guy who plays Thor is a very big star now, thanks in part to films like Thor and The Avengers, in which, you guessed it, he plays Thor.

There are many things to like about the trailer — Thor’s haircut, for one, yielding to that actor a very manly countenance, and of course the shield he brandishes with such intensity and verve like his fellow-Avenger Captain America played by that big man. There is also, and here’s a spoiler alert, a cameo from the Hulk, whom it would appear was kidnapped and brought to a foreign planet, for whom we do not know.

The Trailer was very funny, using that trademark Marvel studios humor, and looks as though the film will be quite fun and funny for both kids and adults alike. The movie will not be released for some time, so until then I suppose we’ll just have to keep watching the trailer.

