Case Study : How Quiz Show engaged millennials to promote #SmartDrinkingBuddy campaign by LBB x AB InBev

Ruhi Rai
Quiz Show
3 min readApr 22, 2019



When LBB needed to create a high-engagement, high-impact #SmartDrinkingBuddy campaign for AB InBev in-line with Global Be(er) Responsible Day, they were faced with two dilemmas -

  • Figuring out a way to compete for the short attention span of millennials, who are already being bombarded with so much content, and
  • Sparking a conversation on responsible drinking that did not sound boring, patronising or redundant.

The end-result was a multi-dimensional campaign that consisted of videos, offline engagement and a live quiz.

Driving Home Engagement Through Quiz Show

Identifying the USPs of a live quiz as being exciting, engaging and educational, Dhruv Mathur (Co-Founder, LBB) used Quiz Show to create a customised live quiz scheduled to launch on a national holiday — Republic Day.

Promoting prizes, including an Xbox, as an incentive to take the quiz, hardly a week of marketing efforts resulted in over 2,000 sign-ups — this was an impressive 175% jump in engagement compared to the non-quiz based Phase 1 of the campaign.

Three sets of AB InBev-branded quizzes contained a healthy mix of trivia, brand messaging, product information, and, most importantly, information about the legal aspect of drinking and driving safely in India.

Not only was there a whopping 78% conversion rate (1,800 players) from signing up to actual quiz participation, the winners Instagrammed posts immediately, lending itself to further campaign reach on social media. Overall, the approximate social media reach of just the quiz component of the campaign was 6,97,677!

“Through Quiz Show, we were able to meet our campaign objectives — to spread awareness about smart drinking and to promote AB InBev’s smart drinking mascot. People who took the quiz spent approximately 3 dedicated minutes reading and answering questions related to smart drinking — this is substantially more time than what the average user usually spends on other platforms. The fact that we were able to integrate the mascot almost everywhere seamlessly, helped us in building great recall.” — Aditi Ajmera, LBB

Curious to learn how you can integrate Quiz Show into your marketing campaign? Let’s talk:

Read LBB’s story on their #SmartDrinkingBuddy campaign here.

This blog is co-written by Amanda Sodhi and Puja Agarwal.

