Tim Rainer Joins Quizando Advisory Team

Wesley Ellul
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2018

Web Matters Limited, the company behind Quizando, recently announced the appointment of one of the major realists and opinion makers in the blockchain world, Tim Rainer, as an ICO Advisor, joining an already outstanding line-up.

Quizando, is the world’s leading state-of-the-art quiz delivery system that gives players the chance to win real cash for taking part in a variety of different skill games. Over the past few months the Quizando team have been building, refining and adapting the advanced quiz technology with thousands of users test-driving the prototype platform.

Massive developments to revolutionise the game type and global influencer markets are in the pipeline, and this has led the team to set up a token offer.

“I’ve been following Quizando for the last two months, and been working closely with Wesley, as a behind the scenes advisor, assisting him with the knowledge i have garnered from the blockchain industry, through running my own project Blockscart. I was lucky enough to visit the Quizando headquarters in Malta just before the Delta Summit, and not only did i find a real business, but one which had an outstanding team and some of the most creative minds in the business. When Wesley approached me to be an advisor on Quizando — I was more then thrilled to be part of a project which I truly feel is going to be one of the Standout projects of the ICO / Blockchain world not only because of their revolutionary Quizando Live games, but also be cause of the virality of their games, tied to some amazing influencers will take project a very long way, and with it bring more mainstream players into the crypto / blockchain space!” Tim said.

Coming from a financial background as a former Broker at Eldon, Operations officer for a global asset protection firm Vacation Safeguard, Tim brings over 5 years of in-depth knowledge in Blockchain, fintech and Cryptocurrency. He sticks by the methodology of transparency in business putting this in action as the CEO of a global escrow platform called Blockscart.

With this in tow, Tim is excited to help the Quizando team on their journey from early stage startup to Global Brand in both the mainstream and crypto spaces.

More information on the Quizando Private Token Sale, and on Quizando live can all be found on www.quizando.io

