How do ideas for startups appear? Creative torment or happiness of inspiration.

In our case, it happened in cold November evening when I bought a tabletop party game to play with friends! When we got together, we decided to play this game and, as usual, showing pantomime, drawing, even sculpting something from clay (the authors of this tabletop party game created very cool tasks and play kit). :)

However, that night, I wasn’t very interested in the game, as my attention was constantly distracted by thoughts about the possibilities to improve all the familiar format of the game. Different ideas came to my mind, but all of them seemed crazy!

I had an idea to make a card where the text will appear in contact with water or, instead of an ordinary playing field, use the oversized ball (like a globe). The Idea was certainly good, but there was no idea what to do next? To put water and ink in tabletop party game seemed very strange, the size of a ball would not serve long and production would be very expensive.
By the way, these two ideas were the most reasonable of those that I had in mind :) All these “thoughts” were not very inspired, but I felt close to some personal discover that would transform all usual format of party games or add something completely new in exciting mechanics.

That November evening happened my little personal miracle! I was surfing the net and came across an interesting interview with Tim Cook about VR and AR technologies.

When I was reading it, I had a look around the room and I saw a game on the table that we played yesterday with friends.


It sounded ridiculous and there was nothing special, but I found that I had been searching thoroughly in my head.

The idea of combining Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality technologies with the board game seemed so perfectly logical, that I set a goal to implement this concept, giving the opportunity to millions of people, hanging out with friends using new VR & AR technologies!

At that time I had no idea whether there are similar solutions, where to find money for production, how to make virtual reality, where to find a team, how to come up with questions and if it all possible, implement it…

No issues frightened me, but on the contrary, it gave motivation. It has become a sort of personal challenge that would challenge me and give me an objective assessment of my professional skills.
Now, our free time has been completely focused on the project with Board games and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality technologies and a clear feeling that We are on the right way!

But it was only the beginning, and all the most interesting began to happen…

