Colored Men in Colored Silk

A poem

Ingonimi Danide
1 min readApr 2, 2020


Image by Mater Miliano from Pixabay

Watch with me this curious thing
Some dismiss who never think:
Colored men in colored silk
Trampling on their naked ilk

See too how their fellow negros
Resemble old garden scarecrows

Listen as few dine like royals
While the rest who are not loyal
Sigh and whimper on like paupers
Contemplating tonight’s supper

Taste the plastic rice for salt
It would really go with malt

Come hear how the trampled fellows
Orji, Taiwo and Bello
Fantasize how they’d embezzle
Only with a bigger nuzzle

How can men with bare-boned chests
Make you rich with some girl’s breasts?

Watch with me this tragic thing
Some await idly and sing:
To be arrayed in fine silk
And bathe long in newborns’ milk

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Ingonimi Danide

Poet. Writer. Life to art translator. Business idea collector. Random stuff analyzer. Storyteller. Funnyish. Theocrat.