Meet Harvey, the first Liquid Ambassador

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5 min readAug 9, 2018

Crypto Harvey walks in with a beaming smile on his face. He’s excited, he’s really excited. He flew into Tokyo specially to visit the headquarters of Quoine. Harvey’s been a fan for years and now, after meeting a Quoine Global Business Development Manager by chance at the Beyond Blocks Conference in Seoul, he’s been invited to spend time with the team behind the product he loves.

Who is Crypto Harvey?

Crypto Harvey aka Harvey Kim is a Korean crypto researcher, consultant, portfolio manager and influencer. He’s based in the US where he works on a number of startups, but like many people in the industry, he spends his time between multiple countries in pursuit of interesting projects. He is one of those people who eat, sleep, and breathe crypto.

“With the current status of the cryptocurrency market, being informed is what makes you a successful investor. The problem right now is not a lack of information — there is a saturation of information — the real challenge is how to filter through it all. My goal is to properly inform people in a non-biased way and to make valuable information accessible to all.”

Harvey spent two years volunteering in California, another two doing cyber security for South Korea’s National Security Department, and now he is committed full-time to crypto.

Korean Crypto Community

Harvey explains that the way most crypto communities are organized in South Korea are through Telegram and Kakao channels. He flips out his phone to scroll though the numerous groups he belongs to. The groups are usually organized by anonymous admins who share valuable information to participants, often for a small fee. It’s not uncommon for “membership” to cost anywhere between 0.01 BTC and 0.1 BTC, sometimes even more.

“This filters out people simply jumping on the bandwagon. The fee ensures that only serious traders are sharing information with each other.”

This information can be highly specific, right down to which cryptocurrency pairs to watch, instructions for long and short trades, and even exact figures for stop losses.

“This gives me chills to my spine,” says Harvey. “People are blindly following the advice of others without questioning anything. No one does enough research of their own. In US crypto communities, you see people on Reddit and Github questioning the development team behind a project, genuinely interested in its chances of success. In Korea, people are only interested in making money. The language barrier means that it’s difficult to get access to information, and as a result, people often make huge losses. I’m pretty sure about 80% of crypto investors in Korea have no idea what they’re doing.”

Even with people taking such large risks, Harvey says that the overall sentiment in Korea is still very negative, and he thinks this all comes down to information.

“Young people are the generation that can change things. It’s far easier for us to get involved than people who are middle aged. Still, there are a lot of risks. There is a saying in Korea: when the price of Bitcoin goes down, the water level of the Han river will go up.”

The Korean won is the fourth most traded fiat currency for Bitcoin. In early 2018, South Korean media linked multiple suicides to the dramatic drop in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Harvey believes that this bleak reality can only change if people have better access to information and are able to make better decisions.

Harvey deeply cares about the Korean community and he wants to help us spread the word about Liquid to the community in his role as Liquid Ambassador. 🙌

“I am dedicated to be producing content to filter out the noise. I wake up and all I do is study crypto. When I see projects I like, I make an effort to meet the team.” It comes as no surprise that Harvey flew all the way to Tokyo just to spend a few days at the Quoine office.

But he wasn’t done there. His next stop was to the Quoine office in Vietnam. There, he shared with Tammy about his passion for the Liquid project and our team, talking about the early days when he first bought QASH, the potential he sees in our team and how he wouldn’t sell QASH even if it reaches $10. “Well maybe I would when it gets to $100.”

To say that Harvey is a fan of Quoine is an understatement. In his opinion, Quoine right now is to the crypto industry what Apple was to tech in the early 90s.

“You guys did the right thing by defining Quoine as a fintech company.”

So what’s next?

With the Liquid launch just around the corner, Harvey has no doubt that big things are about to happen. He looks forward to returning to Seoul, and later the US, where he will continue to produce crypto content.

In the meantime, Harvey has been selected as a Liquid Ambassador, a key role in which he will share the Liquid platform with the Korean market.

“I want to be a catalyst for Quoine to step into the Korean market. I want to represent Quoine and be at the forefront of this chaotic crypto-marketplace in Korea, helping everyone get educated with proper knowledge; what Quoine is, what Liquid is, why it’s important, and what value this can bring to everyone. I just think people have the right to know the right stuff. And what Quoine is doing with Liquid sounds exciting to me. So why not spread the good with others? I want to be part of this great movement!”

Harvey’s ongoing motivation and enthusiasm bring promising energy to the crypto space. Indeed, if we can have better information, we can have a better crypto industry.

At Quoine, we are always looking for people who share our vision and can support our mission. We want to recruit superstar ambassadors to be our Liquid advocates in your local communities. Once selected, you will join us on an all expense-paid retreat to meet the team, during which we will equip you with the tools and insights to be a Liquid champion and a spokesperson for the brand.

Our Liquid Ambassadors will enjoy QASH rewards, free event tickets, early insights on Liquid development, Liquid merch, exposure on Liquid’s social channels, annual all-inclusive retreats, and more.

Do you have what it takes to join Harvey as a Liquid Ambassador? Then we want hear from you? 🤝💪



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Liquid is a next generation cryptocurrency trading platform that aims to be the leading provider of liquidity to the crypto economy