How do you convince yourself to be productive?

Edward Stanfield
Quora Insights
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2018
Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash

This is a curious way to phrase a productivity question.

Since I don’t have the luxury of asking for clarification, all I can do is go out on a limb and speculate.

It sounds like you’re facing a task, large project, or perhaps a full-time job that is less than fulfilling. Maybe it totally sucks.

Still, you’re required to do the work and be productive.

My first recommendation is to change your gig. Get into a job that inspires you and doesn’t require contrived ways to become productive.

Sometimes that impossible or won’t can’t happen in the short term. So, in the meantime . . .

Become the Best You Can Be

Think of your work as a skill you are trying to hone, you want to become world-class. Think of every step in the process as something you will master until you can do it better than anyone else.

Bruce Lee said: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

Sometimes the work we do isn’t the work we chose.

But, when we become the master, it creates a new perspective, gives us pride and changes our relationship to the work.


I offer chat-based coaching on setting priorities, establishing habits, changing your mindset, and productivity. The first week could be free. Apply Here to see if it’s a good fit.



Edward Stanfield
Quora Insights

Quora Top Writer, The Ascent,MVP, My Quora Insights, Landing Page Specialist.