Now the real fun begins!

Nick Mertens
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017

I’d describe team Quoralis as a team of ideas people. We like to riff off each other, come up with the craziest ideas, then dialing it back a notch to make it reasonable. Sometimes these are good ideas, often they’re not. It’s all fun and games until one of these ideas is recognised and you’re now tasked with making it a reality.

That’s what happened for us. Us being team Quoralis, being Sheldon and myself, Nick. We’re two 20-somethings in New Zealand, currently part of the C-Prize 2017 competition that’s run by Callaghan Innovation. It’s a biennial competition that focuses on ideas around new technologies and making them a reality. This year’s competition focuses on wearable devices that support healthy living, work safety and sport performance.

Sheldon + Nick = Quoralis

We had heard about the competition through a work colleague, who had in turn heard about it in one of the meet-ups he attended in Auckland. He thought Sheldon might be interested and he, in turn, thought I might be interested. We came up with a multitude of ideas, none really having quite the punch we were after. Then we recalled a study mentioned in a podcast, which explained that it was possible to predict when an elderly person will be at risk of a fall a few weeks in advance, just by measuring the right data.

So, we went and put together a presentation in PDF format, collating all the data we’d found and adding our own visions to it. We even gave it a pun-tastic name: FallCast. It works on many levels we think!

Fast-forward to today — Quoralis has been selected as one of 10 finalists in the C-Prize competition, meaning we have the next 3–4 months to turn our idea into a real device! First up is a bootcamp in Wellington hosted by the awesome people from C-Prize and Callaghan Innovation in 2 weeks. There will be another after that, leading up to the final presentations at the end of November, followed by the awards ceremony in December. We can’t wait!

Stay tuned for more details as our prototype and journey to our impending deadline develops!

The team at Quoralis



Nick Mertens

Full stack developer. UX and illustration enthusiast. Game dev hobbyist.