Rob Giampietro
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Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2016


A man bound me with boards

One of my enemies ended my life, sapped my world-strength
Afterward soaked me in water.
Set me in sun, where soon I lost the hairs that I had.
And then the hard knife-edge cut me,
Fingers folded me and feather of bird traced
All over my tawny surface with drops of delight.
Then for trappings a man bound me with boards
Bent hide over me, glossed me with gold so I glistened
Wondrous in smooth work, wire-encircled.
Say what I am called — useful to man. Mighty my name is,
A help to heroes, and holy am I

10th-century riddle on the manufacture of vellum



Rob Giampietro
Quote Unquote

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