Rob Giampietro
Quote Unquote
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2016


Things are clearly not to be trusted

And that’s how it is with the rest of Buster’s universe. Things are clearly not to be trusted. The chair will collapse, the plank will hit you in the face, the gun will misfire, the car will die on the railroad tracks, the boat will sink, the balloon will escape gravity and take you with it. The only answer is to make sure those objects are in fact props. Once things are scripted, then everything’s all right, he’s in control, the objects will do his bidding. People less so.

Geoff Nicholson, “Buster Keaton and the World of Objects



Rob Giampietro
Quote Unquote

Director of Design @MuseumModernArt. Sr Critic @RISD_GD. Alumni @GoogleDesign @AmAcademyRome @MacDowellColony