Aim BIG even if you have to start small

Everybody has been always saying that they will have a big house, a nice family, a great hobby or most of all, an exciting life. But more often, in the quietest times of the day, or if you find yourself alone, you think to yourself — Where am I right now and what am I doing?

I have always believed that there is a defining moment on every action or interaction we have. It’s a 3rd person view of you and shows what you are doing. If ever you are doubtful that the “take” wont be a great one, you are definitely doing something wrong.

So what then, where, and when do you start? The answer is you should start now. The now is the focal point of the camera view where you take back yourself and your future. Start small, even if it is the tiniest thing, a step towards your goal is what’s all important. Believe that you can put up with the challenges and anticipate barriers. There is no one else to stop you but your will.

Take charge of your life and be the person you want to be. You have the power and the time. Burdens, challenges and distractions will come naturally, you have to handle them. Start small, everytime, its a step to the right direction.

