Finding purpose and living the dream

Direction. For me, a life without direction, unless you like floating through the proverbial thing called life, having purpose, makes living more challenging, interactive and in entirety “livable”.

Think about it, a life of meaning, being able to do what you are passionate about, serving others — isn’t this a life we all want for ourselves? If being confused, angry, sad or just plainly doing nothing because this is how you are, and stops you, then change your thinking and plan, plan, plan.

We can all tap to our innermost talents. I’ve always believed that I was made for a purpose. Wouldn’t this be a calling for yourself as well? Think about it! Should you be making an example to be a better person (craft), start a business, orient people to support others, there are a manifold of things to be busy about!

Then, there are others, who demean, envy what you have, or simply thinks the way you are now. But believe me, you are better off, one way or another. With you reading this and questioning yourself, you are.

Publish a purposeful life, get a job, serve others if you can give it, forgive or learn to let go because you must, and most importantly, live the life you know gives meaning to what you constantly think about or passionate about. And, things will fall into place. Give it time, repeated effort and most of all, love.

