How important is it that we listen to that person you get motivation?

Wife, best friend, brother, sister, etc., the people you give your time to explain yourself, enable or even dissuade yourself actually matters.


The proverbial self-conscience is our final decision maker of sorts — judging your run of the mill, right versus wrong conundrums. But make no mistake, it is up to you, really that finally decides when you want to take the plunge, and to be blamed for any failure or acclaim for success.

Inspiration or push, is what I call we get from the people we love, we admire, or respect (sometimes fear!). Thus, it is important to make sure you decide very importantly, the kind of people you associate yourself. Remember the saying — tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are? As much as we hate to admit it, it is the truth.

To add to this, isn’t it funny often when you think of going into the simplest thing of delving into a hobby to a very difficult decision in life, essentially the nudge came from parents, peer pressure, or God forbid, a command from someone you fear? Sometimes we are not a reflection if what we really want but more often, molded from people’s ideas.

I then suggest you go with your own gut. Heck, you only live once, do what you can with what you have! I do not say, never ask for input from friends and family, that’s ludicrous, rather, know that you can be captain that steer your ship, and my hope is, to the right directions. These are decisions that root from goodwill, thinking of how to benefit others, and respecting there is God, or an all encompassing entity.

What do you think will follow suit? Beautiful freedom, your creative genius, perhaps the next great business endeavor. We are all potentially, an asset of great potential. Do not lose yourself to the tenets of someone else’s beliefs rather, be firm and stand your ground.

