How not to hurt feelings: What can be just concern/empathy for you can often be misread by your loved ones..

Photo by Thaddaeus Lim on Unsplash

I love every aspect of free thought. The mere fact that it is just flowing, unfettered by outside stimuli — it is a bias that is raw and true to you. It is your truest opinion on matters and your boldest take on things upon maturing in this world, you get to know that it is sometimes best left left to yourself. This entry is on my biases, what kind of thought process do we “have to do” and trusting yourself on giving out your raw opinions and advice to others.

Well, my current conundrum is — how can you have these truest “discussions” with your spouse, family, friends and peers? Let me show you what I mean, exhibit A and B:

A. “Mom/Dad, don’t you think you are handling things wrongly?”

B. “Honey, I understand you have deadlines but shouldn’t you consider some alternative at work?”

Which for both, what you expressed is only akin to what is exactly you really want to express. I have then considered, how true or picked are we with our words with our loved ones? Do you dare say the truth? And what is funny, more often, we feel we need to be more cautious and with this, we limit ourselves and the person we love the right or correct discussion point or advise.

But then do we engage haphazardly? Do we just speak for the intent of saying what we wish to convey? Still, I think we should not. But think of this — don’t we admire people who just spill out the beans or give out the truth? We do, don’t we? And does it come with some sort of freedom? Yup, it sure does.

I daresay, speak to your hearts content, with a sound judgement and your warmest intentions, and yes you may be thought of wrong but if you say it with conviction, they may understand that your are only trying to show them you are there to support them. And it is never your intention to create more anger or frustration. That this is your way of being true — may as well result in anger or being pictured arrogant (ouch) but you only want to help or show you care. Partner it with repeated reasoning, they will eventually see your point and better discussions will arise.

Again, a disclaimer, this is about my frustration, and ramblings about conveying my thoughts to persons I am either intimate or very close with. Heck, one should NEVER be this open or casual to just anybody in the street lest they think of you as rude or cynical. Boys and girls, this is not the norm okay? :D Keep it real, be nice to one another and always think God above all.

