My Fellow Traveler, Do Not Fear To Roam, Embrace The Journey, And Make The World Your Home

Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things
3 min readMay 16, 2023

In twilight’s gentle grasp, I roamed alone,
A wanderer in realms both known and unknown.
In search of purpose, my weary heart did beat,
To meet my destiny, in fate’s grand feat.

Through misty vales and fields of emerald green,
I ventured forth, a seeker of the unseen.
Each step a dance, a rhythm in my soul,
Guided by whispers of a destiny untold.

In whispers of the wind, secrets did unfold,
Echoes of ancient tales that were once foretold.
Destiny’s threads, they wove a tapestry divine,
Unraveling mysteries in the realms of time.

Through labyrinthine paths, I sought the truth,
A pilgrimage through realms of age and youth.
Stars adorned the skies, like diamonds gleaming bright,
Guiding me towards my destined celestial flight.

Yet destiny, a cunning mistress, ever elusive,
She danced just beyond, with steps so exclusive.
In fleeting moments, I caught her fleeting glance,
A tantalizing tease, a cosmic game of chance.

Through deserts scorched by unforgiving sun,
I journeyed on, a battle that I had begun.
With weary limbs, and doubts that plagued my mind,
I pressed on, my destiny I vowed to find.

In valleys deep, where shadows seemed to dwell,
I faced my fears, my soul a fragile shell.
But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light,
Igniting hope, dispelling the eternal night.

And then, when least expected, destiny appeared,
A meeting ordained, a moment revered.
With eyes that held the wisdom of ages past,
She whispered truths, a union meant to last.

No longer a wanderer, lost in the abyss,
I embraced my destiny’s sweet, tender kiss.
For in the wandering, I found my truest self,
And met my destiny amidst the labyrinthine shelf.

So, fellow traveler, do not fear to roam,
Embrace the journey, and make the world your home.
For in the wandering, you may just find,
Your destiny awaits, a treasure undefined.

Ah, destiny, the mischievous enchantress,
She waltzes in rhythm, with steps so prestigious.
Elusive and sly, she twirls out of reach,
A tantalizing tease, a lesson she will teach.

In fleeting moments, I glimpse her gaze,
A flirtatious flicker, a cosmic maze.
She beckons and lures, playing her game,
Leaving me captivated, never quite the same.

Oh, destiny, you tricky enigma divine,
Your moves so exclusive, your steps so fine.
You dance in the shadows, just out of my grasp,
A celestial tango, a cosmic gasp.

But fear not, fellow mortal, for this dance we share,
In the cosmic ballroom, we’ll glide without a care.
Embrace the uncertainty, the twists and turns,
For destiny’s game is what truly yearns.

So let us waltz with destiny, in steps bold and free,
With wit and humor, philosophical glee.
For in the chase, the dance, the fleeting glance,
We find our own purpose, our own cosmic chance.

