The Defense Mechanisms of the Unconscious: Avoiding the Weight of Existential Realities

Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things
5 min readAug 20, 2023

How we rationalize the unbearable, and unpack the unconscious strategies to avoid existential realities

By the author

Existential questions have long been central to philosophical inquiry. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence raises new philosophical dilemmas.

The unconscious may utilize defense mechanisms like repression or distraction to avoid confronting the profound implications of Artificial Intelligence on human consciousness, free will, and the nature of reality.

What is Existential reality

Existential reality is about understanding human existence and our place in the world.

It’s about how we experience life firsthand, rather than just thinking about it. This idea points out the tension between our search for purpose and the world’s apparent randomness.

At its core, it’s a deep exploration of our purpose and feelings in a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and meaningless.

However, our unconscious mind possesses a remarkable ability to shield us from the weight of these realities.

In this article, let’s talk about the fascinating defense mechanisms employed by the unconscious mind, exploring how they help us avoid confronting the discomforting depths of existential crises.

Repression: Burying Existential Angst

Repression, an unconscious defense mechanism, enables us to push existential angst deep into our unconscious mind.

By banishing these distressing thoughts and emotions from our conscious awareness, we protect ourselves from the immediate impact of existential realities.

What is Existential Angst?
Existential angst, also known as existential anxiety, refers to a profound and often deeply unsettling sense of unease or apprehension that arises when an individual confronts fundamental questions about the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and their own place in the world.

This concept is rooted in existential philosophy and psychology, particularly the works of philosophers like Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Albert Camus.

How to Use Existential Angst to Find Meaning

Existential angst is not a psychological disorder in itself but rather a common aspect of the human experience. It can be particularly pronounced during times of personal crisis, major life transitions, or periods of introspection.

Philosophical and psychological exploration of these themes can help individuals navigate and come to terms with their existential anxieties, leading to personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of their own values and beliefs.

While ultimate meaning of life might be elusive, create your own purpose through meaningful activities and relationships.

Confronting mortality can motivate you to live fully. Practice authenticity and resist societal pressures

Denial: Refusing to Face Existential Questions

Denial acts as a psychological barrier against existential crises.

We may deny or minimize the significance of existential questions, choosing to disregard or downplay their impact on our lives.

Denial offers a temporary reprieve from the discomfort of confronting existential truths.

Why We Should Never Stop Questioning?

It is not that answers are important. It is also not that we must find answers. The Biggest questions in life might not have answers, but searching is still not futile.

Search explores and opens our minds to new avenues. It helps us connect the dots. We start seeing meaning in the questions.

Rationalization: Justifying Existential Uncertainty

Rationalization helps us create logical explanations or justifications for our existential uncertainties.

We may construct coherent narratives or belief systems that provide meaning and purpose, alleviating the unease that arises from existential questions.

This defense mechanism allows us to find a sense of stability amidst the existential chaos.

Technological Enthusiasm and Optimism:

The prevailing enthusiasm and optimism surrounding AI often overshadow discussions about its potential dark side.

As AI applications continue to thrive, we tend to focus more on the immediate advantages and neglect the deeper implications.

Artificial Intelligence and cognitive enhancement are changing our lives so much that deep philosophical questions are becoming rare.

We live our daily lives in such a way that we don’t have to experience anything that makes us wonder about philosophical questions.

There is a tendency to rely solely on technical solutions to address emerging challenges.

However, the existential risks of AI cannot be adequately addressed through purely technical means.

Ethical, philosophical, and social considerations need to be incorporated into the discourse

Distraction: Shifting Focus Away from Existential Angst

Engaging in distractions can divert our attention from existential crises.

By immersing ourselves in activities, pursuits, or preoccupations, we momentarily escape the weighty nature of existential questions.

Distraction offers a respite from the discomfort, although it does not address the underlying concerns.

Bugman Lifestyle Is Totally Useless
The term “bugman lifestyle” is often used in internet culture to describe a conformist, consumer-oriented, and unadventurous way of living.

It’s typically associated with individuals who prioritize materialism, follow mainstream trends uncritically, and lack a sense of individuality or intellectual engagement.

He lacks personal involvement, lacks depth of understanding, and might label himself an “early adopter” upon purchasing a new phone due to his awareness of its latest features

“We have been seduced by distraction,” says psychologist Daniel Goleman, the author of 📘 Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence.

We are being pulled away from paying attention to the things that enrich our lives.

We continuously seek information that aligns with our current mood and become susceptible to the fear of missing out (FOMO). That needs to be stopped and you need to find your place in the world.

Misplaced Trust and Belief in Human Control:

Many believe that humans will maintain complete control over AI systems, assuming that safeguards and regulations will be sufficient to prevent potential risks.

However, the complexity and autonomy of advanced AI systems may surpass human understanding and control, leading to unintended consequences.


The defense mechanisms employed by the unconscious mind serve as valuable protective mechanisms, enabling us to avoid the full weight of existential realities.

Confronting existential questions with introspection, seeking support, and embracing personal development can lead us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and a more meaningful engagement with existential realities.

While these mechanisms may offer temporary relief from the weight of AI-related existential questions, they do not address the underlying concerns.

By acknowledging and exploring these defense mechanisms, we can better understand our psychological responses and consciously engage with the profound implications of Artificial Intelligence technology on our existence.

Ultimately, finding a balance between acknowledging the potential challenges and embracing the opportunities presented by AI technology will be crucial in shaping a future where human and artificial intelligence coexist harmoniously.



Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence