Navigating the Depths: Securing a Lifeline Across the Abyss

Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things
3 min readMay 13, 2023

The abyss is a place of mystery and danger, but also of possibility and adventure and those who are willing to take risks and pursue their dreams in order to uncover the secrets that lie hidden within the depths of the ocean.

In the depths of the abyss,
Where darkness reigns supreme,
Lies a myth that some dismiss,
But others dare to dream.

The tale of an ancient power,
That lies beneath the waves,
A force that could devour,
And leave no soul to save.

But some believe the myth,
And seek to brave the deep,
To unlock its secrets with,
A courage that won’t sleep.

For in the heart of the abyss,
There’s a truth that few can find,
A hidden gem of bliss,
That can free the soul and mind.

So let us not fear the myth,
But instead, embrace its call,
And journey into the abyss,
To discover our truest all

The myth of the abyss refers to a belief or tale about an ancient and mysterious power that resides in the depths of the ocean — not only to the physical depths of the ocean but also to the emotional and psychological depths that one may encounter when facing their fears and confronting the unknown.

Those who believe in the myth of the abyss are not deterred by the potential dangers and challenges that may come with exploring it. They are willing to take risks and face their fears in order to discover the secrets that lie hidden within the abyss

What seemed an abyss becomes the space of freedom: the seeming nothing turns into that from which true Being speaks to us.

Rope Over An Abyss

On a deeper level, the phrase “rope over an abyss” is as a metaphor for the human condition itself.

The abyss in this case represents the vast unknowns and uncertainties that lie at the heart of our existence, such as the mysteries of life, death, and the meaning of existence.

The rope is a symbol of the various tools and strategies that we use to make sense of the world around us and find our way through the darkness. This might include spiritual practices, philosophical inquiry, scientific exploration, or personal introspection. The idea is that by holding onto something stable and reliable, we can safely navigate the abyss and find our way through the challenges and uncertainties of life.

Rope over an abyss,
A lifeline for the brave,
A tool to overcome the abyss,
And reach beyond the grave.

Taut and strong,
it spans the void,
A bridge between two worlds,
A symbol of hope, that’s buoyed,
By the dreams of those unfurled.

Step by step, we make our way,
Across the chasm deep,
With faith and courage, we won’t sway,
And our fears we’ll safely keep.

For though the abyss is dark and deep,
And the journey long and hard,
The rope we hold will help us keep,
Our footing strong and unmarred.

So let us tie the rope with care,
And venture forth with pride,
For we’ll find treasures, rich and rare,
On the other side.

Approach the challenges and uncertainties of life with care and confidence by using a metaphorical tool or strategy that can help you navigate through the unknown and unpredictable aspects of life.

By facing your challenges head-on with courage and determination, you may discover treasures and rewards that are rare and valuable. These treasures may include personal growth, new perspectives, and a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

