The Silent Scars: Exploring the Primal Wound in a Modern World

Uncovering the Roots of Modern Anxiety

Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things
6 min readOct 29, 2023


Created by the author

In the annals of human history, we encounter countless tales of survival, mortality, and the enduring struggle against pain and suffering.

Wars have reshaped nations, cultures, and the collective human spirit, leaving behind both indelible marks and signs of hope.

Yet, as we stand on the precipice of the modern age, technology, politics, and capitalism have woven a new narrative, one that speaks of fear and challenges our very survival.

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
— Dante Alighieri

The Primal Wound Unveiled

Imagine if you will, that there exists a fundamental scar etched into the psyche of humanity, a wound not caused by a physical weapon, but one rooted in the very fabric of our existence. This is the Primal Wound. The term might not be common in everyday discourse, but its presence subtly shapes our lives.

The Historical Landscape

To understand the Primal Wound, we must traverse the corridors of history.

The rise and fall of empires, the shifting of borders, and the conquests that have redrawn maps — all have been driven by the thirst for power and survival.

Wars, pandemics, and plagues have often been the crucible where society’s resilience and survival instincts are tested.

Consider the Black Death that ravaged Europe in the 14th century, leaving a mark on culture, religion, and art.

World Wars I and II reshaped the geopolitical landscape, leaving behind lasting impacts on the global stage.

Survival has been the cornerstone of our existence.

Wars and famines have tested our limits, but they have also revealed our resilience.

Personal anecdotes of survival from historical events remind us of the strength of the human spirit.

Mortality has played a profound role. It has driven us to form societies, invent religions, and ponder the meaning of life. Our collective efforts to understand mortality have shaped our cultures, from the rituals of ancient civilizations to the world’s great religions.

The Primal Wound in the Modern Era

Survival Reimagined

Today, our survival is threatened by an adversary that doesn’t wield weapons of steel but deploys technology, politics, and capitalism as its arsenal.

In this digital age, we are bombarded with information and constantly connected, yet many of us feel isolated and estranged.

The pressures of modern life, from social media expectations to economic uncertainties, have created a new kind of survival challenge.

Fear as the New Sentinel

Fear has become the sentinel of our times. It shapes our decisions, influences our politics, and seeps into the cracks of our daily lives.

Fear of missing out, fear of losing one’s job, fear of the future — these are the undercurrents of our existence, casting long shadows on our pursuit of happiness.

Can Technology Heal the Primal Wounds?

In our quest to heal the Primal Wound, technology emerges as both a potential savior and a potential threat. AI offer immense potential for solving complex problems, from curing diseases to automating laborious tasks. They could usher in a new era of human prosperity.

Technology has the power to reshape society. Through policy changes, ethical considerations, and thoughtful implementation, we have the opportunity to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

However, these technologies are not without their flaws. They raise concerns about privacy, ethics, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

The very automation that could liberate us might also strip us of our identities.

What if we lose control of the very technologies we create?

What if AGI becomes the ultimate power, beyond human comprehension and control?


In this era, we are like marionettes controlled by invisible strings of technology and capitalism.

We move frenetically, but are we truly free?

The digital realm, often perceived as a liberating force, paradoxically shackles us.

It’s like a siren song, enchanting us into an endless scroll, while our primal need for genuine human connection withers.

Predicting the Future Consequences

If we continue to ignore the Primal Wound, our society might see a decline in mental well-being, a surge in existential crises, and even the erosion of our capacity for empathy.

Our survival instinct will transform, perhaps evolving into a struggle not against external foes, but against the very systems we’ve built.

To heal the Primal Wound, we must introspect and connect on a human level. Turn off the screens and engage in meaningful conversations. Foster local communities, support mental health initiatives, and challenge the status quo. The power to mend our society lies in our hands.

Journey Forward

As we navigate the turbulent waters of modernity, let’s not forget the silent scars of the Primal Wound that continue to shape our world.

In acknowledging these wounds, we find hope that by coming together, we can heal, evolve, and build a society that values both survival and the human spirit.

The future is uncertain, but our actions today will determine whether we overcome our fears and insecurities or succumb to them.

5 Unanswered Questions

  • Question 1: “How can we strike a balance between embracing technological progress and preserving our humanity?” (Harari, “Sapiens”)
  • Question 2: “What is the long-term impact of living in a constantly connected digital world on our mental health and well-being?” (Carr, “The Shallows”)
  • Question 3: “Is there a way to reform capitalism to ensure it serves the greater good rather than just a privileged few?” (Keynes, various works)
  • Question 4: “What are the potential societal consequences of surveillance capitalism and the erosion of privacy?” (Zuboff, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”)
  • Question 5: “How will the advancement of AI and automation shape the future of work and the human experience?” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, “The Second Machine Age”)


In conclusion, the Primal Wound is a complex, multifaceted issue that deserves our attention and action.

By applying critical thinking, acknowledging its existence, and working collectively, we can begin the process of healing and charting a brighter, less fearful future.

The silent scars of the primal wound have shaped our journey through history, and as we stand on the precipice of a high-tech future, we have the opportunity to heal and evolve.

The path forward is fraught with challenges, but it is also illuminated by the potential for positive change.

By applying critical thinking and a collective commitment to progress, we can navigate this uncertain terrain and create a better world for future generations.

Our journey through history has left us with silent scars, shaped by our survival, mortality, and the pain of war. Now, as technology and society stand at the crossroads, we have an opportunity to heal.

