Why Hundreds of Keystrokes Doesn’t Make an Article?

Yogesh Malik
3 min readMar 12, 2020


You want to become a writer, sure you can. But, are you pursuing this because you have been reading hundreds of blogs on writing? Question yourself hard on this.

Writing is not as easy as what Mark Twain said “All you have to do is cross out the wrong words”. In my opinion what comes closer to the truth is this paradoxical statements made by Gene Fowler

Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead

It Is Not About The Writing, It Is About You

Are you passionate about some subject? Do you get creative ideas? Do you have personal experiences around those subjects? If yes, then share your views through your writing.

Don’t fall for some shallow motivations and start writing pursuits thinking that you will get famous next month or earn thousands of dollars the coming month.

If you have a passion for some subject or have some deep personal experiences around a subject. You much share for the benefit of this world. Writing is a medium to share your creativity. You must be creative. You must be YOU. Then you start writing. It will be a big favor to this world.

It Is Not About The Process, It Is About Your Decision

It is not about the writing process. It is about the decision you make that you have something significant to share and you are ready to learn all what it takes to become a writer. Process comes later.

Mostly you will get stuck with what we call writer’s block and you feel like waiting for that creative muse to come back and tap on your shoulder. You will make mistakes. But, it was your decision to become a writer, so, you need to get back to work even if you feel you are not smart enough.

It Is Not About The Clock, It Is About The Muse

Discipline is important but don’t make this creative pursuit a 9 to 5 job. You may have writers’ block for weeks or months. Don’t push it, let the muse come to you, but be prepared and when it comes, don’t miss it.

You have to have your own voice, your own gospel in your writing. It is not just about writing, it is about thinking, analyzing and criticizing too.

Turning Pro Is Free, So Don’t Be Naive, But Nothing Will Be Easy

Steven Pressfield, in his flagship book Turning Pro says

Turning pro is free, but it’s not easy.

Steven also makes a philosophical point “Both addict and artist are dealing with the same material, which is the pain of being human and the struggle against self-sabotage.”

Don’t become amateur again and give up on your creative muse.

Another one from Steven Pressfield

He knows that when the Muse sees his butt in the chair, she will deliver.

You Are A Pro Now, Do The Work.

Do not hesitate. Having conflicting views around a subject is perfect. Brainstorm it against some framework. Do the difficult. Do what’s impossible for others. Think exponentially.

“A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.”

Steven Pressfield, Do the Work

If you are not remarkable, then you are an average. Don’t become an average writer. Turn Pro sooner than later. Do the genius work. Become a madman.

You don’t need an alarm clock to wake you up. You should be on fire with creative writing ideas not allowing you to sleep. Next time don’t just tell “moon is shining” remember what Anton Chekhov said ,

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

