Why The Modern Man Is Confused?

Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things
5 min readSep 24, 2018


Modern man is torn between his conflicting desires, natural or imposed.
Man is torn between the cultural education, religion and his own mind.
Managing these opposed forces is a constant struggle.

He thinks he has a future. He lives in the future but he is constantly dragged by the strong roots of his ancestor’s memory that is still living in his memory.

Past memories are always lingering while he deals with the present time — he is trying hard to avoid and hide those memories.

He can’t face the reality of his lonely existence because the darkness of his soul is so strong.

His whole life is spent in covering up his deeds.

Living Two Lives

Man is always living two lives. — The life he is living and the life he turned away long back.

Caught between the desire for autonomy (for an autonomous source of all that is moral, lawful, legitimate) and the realities of his condition (the plurality of separated existences), today's man is confused.

There are religious dogmas he doesn’t want to follow but faint shadows of those rituals follow him while he wastes his life with technological illusions.

Man is losing his peace without expressing his needs while nearing his grave

He can’t escape the struggle that he has created when he started thinking he has some control. He renders himself wastefully and allows external threats to consume him. Slaving to his daily hustles he tries to escape he fears of the future and the memories of the past.

Instead of making himself infinite he falls victim to mundane and finite circumstances — thus giving birth to a permanent path to a meaningless life

This neurotic instability creates one labyrinth on the top of another that he tolerates with ever-increasing technological wonders

Mind, Nature, and Appearances

At the level of appearances, he creates his own yardstick to measure his ranks among the others — ignoring that finishing work is a maze full of mazes.
Sometimes he suffers the turmoil of anxiety but mostly he avoids the lethargy of boredom.

He knows, he knows is very well that he is not here forever. He knows that the life is a mystery and he can’t solve it — but he forgets that as long as he is here, he is a hero of his mortal life that he designs every day.

At the level of mind and appearances, he plays games with the nature forgetting that nature does not care and nature has no plan or purpose.

That heredity and environment are most important instrumentalities in the creation and in the development of human beings needs no proof. The fact is evident to the most casual observer. But they are not causes in themselves; they are merely instruments in the hands of an intelligent power to secure a special end


But, man has to remember this 🔊from Professor Vukašin Pavlović

God forgives readily, man rarely, nature never

Between “in-itself” (en-soi) and “for-itself” (le pour-soi), as defined by Sartre, the interplay and the difference between these two methods can be an ongoing argument. “In-itself” (en-soi) — that which is, definable but non-conscious like rocks are trees and “For-itself” (le pour-soi) is the human reality that is forever sensing temporality and seeking to fulfill itself.

Modern Man

The problem of the modern man is to conflict with cultural products made by himself. It is not much about earning bread and butter but the void that fills in his mind when he is tired of daily hustles — that void he fails to understand. He sees no glory in the world. The unbridgeable gulf between himself and the rest of existence is widening.

His spiritual illiteracy is growing. He has lost the context within which the meaning of life can be understood. The awareness of the sacred is lost.

Present man does not understand the constant battle that exists deep in his unconscious.

◻️ On Boredom

Now, the man had to deal with boredom averting technologies With the omnipresence of digital screens everywhere — new technology savvy man is always connected, always busy and almost always distracted.

We are less bored than our ancestors were, but we are more afraid of boredom

🔊says philosopher Bertrand Russell writes in his book, The Conquest of Happiness (1930)

All these devices give us illusions of meaningful engagements. This mindless preoccupation gives a shallow control.

Boredom is good if you use it creatively.

◻️ The Purpose

The purpose of existence might not be to become happy. Modern man needs to realize this inherent vanity. It could be that the human existence is constantly swinging ”like a pendulum to and fro between pain and boredom, and these two are in fact its ultimate constituents” as stated by Schopenhauer source: The Affirmation of Life — Nietzsche on Overcoming Nihilism

Schopenhauer believed that through “losing yourself” in art one could sublimate the will



Yogesh Malik
Subtleties of Things & Non-things

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence https://FutureMonger.com/