35 Special Random Quotes By — Aaron Paul

Abhijit Mondal
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6 min readAug 1, 2022

37 Special Random Quotes By — Aaron Paule

If everyone were a good person, it’d obviously be a better world.

— Aaron Paul

It’s very exciting to be able to just work in this business, let alone on stuff you are extremely proud of. So it does make me a little nervous, because ‘Breaking Bad’ is so special. It’s great being part of something so great because people pay attention to you, hopefully because you’re doing good work.

— Aaron Paul

I saw a lot of people have success handed to them that then exploited it. They didn’t protect it or cherish it.

— Aaron Paul

I’m obsessed with Radiohead. They’re just the greatest band on the planet.

— Aaron Paul

I consider myself absolutely a character actor, and that’s what I want as a career. I don’t need to be the lead star or any of that, as long as I’m doing stuff that I’m proud of, really.

— Aaron Paul

I live a good life but a pretty simply life. I just store all my money under my mattress. My wife and I travel, and I bought my dream car, the Cobra.

— Aaron Paul

I definitely had a very religious upbringing. My father was just instilling good morals into us at a very young age, and it wasn’t super-strict, but it was a loving, warm household.

— Aaron Paul

I’m just in love with Burberry. Always have been, always will be.

— Aaron Paul

You feel like you’re really a part of a movement when you’re singing Journey at a karaoke bar.

— Aaron Paul

With this film, ‘Need For Speed,’ with this, we had a blank canvas to work with. What we had to do was have fast cars, and that’s it.

— Aaron Paul

You’ve got to be picky in this business — if you’re not, then I don’t think you have the option of longevity. You’ve got to be choosy and try and do something that’s outside of the box and dangerous. I love doing stuff that excites me, gives me that adrenalin rush.

— Aaron Paul

My dad didn’t want me to listen to Zeppelin, I think because it reminded him of his wilder days, and now he’s a retired Southern Baptist minister.

— Aaron Paul

When I first started, I just wanted to work. I wouldn’t necessarily do anything, but I’d pretty much almost do anything at the very beginning.

— Aaron Paul

I never really thought of myself as being an action hero or a leading man or any of that. I’m a character actor.

— Aaron Paul

I think that for some people faith is good — they have something to draw to.

— Aaron Paul

I didn’t come from any money, but even when I was on ‘Big Love’ — people think you’re on a series and you’re making bank.

— Aaron Paul

I think by eighth grade I knew I wanted to be an actor. I’d done church plays and stuff, but my first actual acting class was in eighth grade. I was obsessed with it.

— Aaron Paul

I love coming of age stories that have struggle.

— Aaron Paul

I’m trying to have some longevity in this business. If that means not working for a while and just picking the right job, so be it.

— Aaron Paul

I don’t understand why every guy is not a romantic. I enjoy it.

— Aaron Paul

There’s three networks you want to be on: It’s either AMC, HBO, or Showtime.

— Aaron Paul

I love diving into different skins, skins that make me feel deep emotions.

— Aaron Paul

I’ve got to be honest and say that, growing up, I wasn’t a big sports guy, but I love the camaraderie. I just love people getting together, fighting for a team and getting super-emotional about it.

— Aaron Paul

Yeah, I left Idaho at 17. You know, I graduated high school a year early and just, you know, the typical story, packed up my car and moved out.

— Aaron Paul

I knew that I tend to always gravitate to the indie side of things.

— Aaron Paul

I get random meetings, like, ‘Ron Howard would like to sit down with you.’ ‘Really?’ If ‘Breaking Bad’ hadn’t happened, Ron Howard probably wouldn’t want to sit down with me. Because he would have no idea who I was.

— Aaron Paul

My family never owned a home. We leased.

— Aaron Paul

I hate musicals. There, I said it.

— Aaron Paul

It’s so hard for me to kind of fall in love with comedy, but if something comes my way… I mean, I loved ‘Weird,’ I thought that was a really fun character.

— Aaron Paul

I love everyone over at Netflix. They’re all fantastic and an absolute joy to work with.

— Aaron Paul

I grew up all over Idaho — I was born in Emmett, a very small town.

— Aaron Paul

I have 14 nieces and nephews.

— Aaron Paul

I gravitate toward edgy, intense, dark films that just grab you by the throat.

— Aaron Paul

When I was a kid growing up, I used to watch ‘DuckTales.’

— Aaron Paul

