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Top 7 Medium Stories | Week 14, 2024

Which one do you think is the best?

Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day


Photo by spacex on Unsplash

Hello everyone! This is your weekly dose of Medium.

① How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things [Dopamine Detox] — Why are some people more motivated to tackle difficult things? And is there a way to make doing difficult things, easy?

by Vinuki Vidhara | 👏3421 💬38

Synopsis: Dopamine is the brain neurotransmitter that makes us desire things. Dopamine makes us more motivated to get up and do stuff. We are flooding our brains with unnecessary amounts of dopamine. This can lead to negative side effects, such as depression and addiction. We need to cut down on the dopamine in our brains.

② My Mother’s Last Words Left Me Gobsmacked — A glimpse of the afterlife came with a warning

by Marcia Abboud | 👏9482 💬122

Synopsis: Mum was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 38. She took so many drugs over the years that her kidneys failed in the end. A new miracle drug did the most damage and dialysis was her only option. She decided to stop dialysis and told her son: ‘I’m sick and tired of it’

③ I’m an (Actual) Detective: Here are 7 Signs That Someone Is Lying to You — The truth about lies and how to see through them

by Joshua Mason | 👏12548 💬173

Synopsis: In one day, the average person lies four times. Research shows we detect lies no better than 50% of the time — basically a coin flip. There is always a reason for lying, although the reason can be hard to determine. If you are dealing with a psychopath or a sociopath, you may not see any of these signs.

④ The 11 Traits of Utterly Unfuckwithable People — Character-building advice from one abominable fuckwit to another.

by Robin Wilding 💎 | 👏8268 💬141

Synopsis: The 11 Traits of Utterly Unfuckwithable People. Character-building advice from one abominable fuckwit to another. People who care deeply about the world around them, and are the most successful in navigating that world care… selectively. They dole out their limited fucks carefully.

⑤ How Our Perfect Trip Was Ruined by One Picture -

by Daphne | 👏619 💬16

Synopsis: The perfect getaway to Greece was ruined by one picture. The caption on the photo made Liv feel exposed and vulnerable. Liv: “I vowed to reclaim my sense of self-worth, knowing that true beauty lies not in the eyes of others, but in the strength to rise above adversity”

⑥ How “Black Swan Events” Change Your Life — for Good and Bad — They are the direct cause of your triumphs and troubles. Here’s how to stack the odds in your favor.

by Brian Feutz | 👏2276 💬41

Synopsis: The path of our lives directly results from a series of random events we can neither predict nor control. These life-changing moments are called “Black Swan Events” These random events are the direct cause of our triumphs and troubles. Here’s how to stack the odds in your favor.

⑦ I Conquered 20 Years of Trauma by Releasing My Emotions — How I confronted the fear behind the memories.

by Leon Macfayden | 👏2898 💬57

Synopsis: A police officer’s fear of his own feelings led him to bottle up his emotions. He learned how to release his feelings after 20 years of suffering from PTSD. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to identify your feelings:How would you describe your past week in one word? Is your inner dialogue positive or negative? How do you feel about yourself?



Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day

Self-taught amateur photographer and self-published blogger | Learning everyday