Quriverse: The Curious Case of “Guilty Pleasure” Anime and Why it works?

Bilawal Akter
5 min readOct 6, 2022


The Evolution of Anime and how it impacted the Creators and Consumer

I think it should be safe to say that Anime and its subsequent fanbase have evolved significantly over the last decade.

Anime is arguably at its peak when it comes to mainstream attention and the reach it has on a global scale. But it wasn’t long ago when Anime was frowned upon as a medium of entertainment and didn’t have the accessibility factor that western animation had.

However, times have changed, the internet has genuinely established itself as the de facto source of everything consumable, and I doubt that very few media has catapulted into success like Anime.

With Anime now being legally available on various platforms, things have changed for the good. Production values have gone up, and more attention is being paid to minor details, which is very important from a creative standpoint and is partly why most studios and directors have found their niche.

Another thing that is clear for everyone to see is how shows with not-so-epic storylines and lore have managed to garner a lot of attention. This is great because it broadens the variety of Anime as an entertainment medium.

The Good and The Bad

But with variety comes good and bad, and while there have been many good shows, there have also been not-so-good ones. However, as I mentioned earlier, creators have found a comfort zone knowing that no matter what kind of work they do, there will always be an audience for it.

And this is where today’s topic comes to light, Guilty Pleasure.

Now, we all have things that we like but are ashamed of, and we all are weebs, too, so without further ado, let’s talk about the curious case of guilty pleasure anime.

My Experience with “Guilty Pleasure Anime”

It is better to use more recent shows like “Girlfriend-Girlfriend” for example.

Now, I don’t, in any way, encourage anyone to two-time on their partner. It is not a good thing at all and consuming something NTR can be a guilty pleasure.

Incorporating it into a story can be tricky, too, as the topic is susceptible and would require a lot of dramatic expressions to make it work.

However, Girlfriend-Girlfriend decides to take this topic and make it a comedy.

To be darn honest, Girlfriend-Girlfriend is not a good show and can be offensive to people who’ve been through cheating in a relationship, but I like it, and I’m ashamed of it too.

Like most people in this modern age, I have a life to lead (believe it or not), and I’m also occasionally tired of it, and when I’m tired, the last thing I want to consume is something that would give me even more stress with the drama.

Girlfriend-Girlfriend doesn’t do that. It is a mindless, cringe-inducing, and crappy show that somehow has the charm to make you want to come back next week for the next episode.

I don’t know just how many times I felt that I wanted to drop the show, but at the end of the episode, I would always be intrigued about what will transpire next.

I, at first, couldn’t point out what kept me hooked to the show til the end. Maybe it was the main character, “Naoya,” who is a complete jerk in hindsight, but his straightforwardness can make for a great dynamic with any character. Maybe it was the cute anime girls, but upon a deep dive through my heart, avoiding all the anime waifu and Korean Girl Group biases on my way, I finally found the answer.

When you are bored, exhausted, and aren’t liking what you usually like, a change of pace is what you’re seeking.

For me, I found that change of pace in Girlfriend-Girlfriend. For some people, it could be other shows like “Rental Girlfriend” or that infamous dub of “Ghost Stories.”


All in all, sometimes it’s just better to try something different, no matter how much you hate the idea of it. Not only will it give you an entirely different experience from what you’re used to, but If good, it can open you up to a vast and new world, full of things you can try and enjoy, and if wrong, it will make you value what you already like even more.

And that is why so much Anime that aren’t exactly good or likable work and become our guilty pleasures because they provide us with the different experiences that we truly crave, and none of it would be possible. In some way, it is all thanks to the beautiful evolution of the anime industry.

Not only does it allow consumers to get a wide variety of experiences, but it also provides a niche for various creators to work with and get successful.

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Bilawal Akter

Freelance Blogger | Anime and Manga Enthusiast | Football Fan